All Stories

  1. The experience of memory: it's unconscious origins
  2. Manual dexterity, but not cerebral palsy, predicts cognitive functioning after neonatal stroke
  3. Is there any Influence of Variations in Context on Object-Affordance Effects in Schizophrenia? Perception of Property and Goals of Action
  4. Effect of an unrelated fluent action on word recognition: A case of motor discrepancy
  5. Valence activates motor fluency simulation and biases perceptual judgment
  6. Assessing the functional role of motor response during the integration process.
  7. Word-to-picture recognition is a function of motor components mappings at the stage of retrieval
  8. When “good” is not always right: effect of the consequences of motor action on valence-space associations
  9. Compensating for memory losses throughout aging: Validation and normalization of the memory compensation questionnaire (MCQ) for non-clinical French populations
  10. Valence–space compatibility effects depend on situated motor fluency in both right- and left-handers
  11. Sensory–motor properties of past actions bias memory in a recognition task
  12. Olfactory–Visual Congruence Effects Stable Across Ages: Yellow Is Warmer When It Is Pleasantly Lemony
  13. Alexithymia impairs the cognitive control of negative material while facilitating the recall of neutral material in both younger and older adults
  14. Biases in evaluation of neutral words due to motor compatibility effect
  15. Influence des connaissances associées à une couleur dans une tâche de discrimination chromatique
  16. Grasping the World: Object-Affordance Effect in Schizophrenia
  17. Color perception involves color representations firstly at a semantic level and then at a lexical level
  18. Habit and recollection in healthy aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease.
  19. Is there any impact of cognitive remediation on an ecological test in schizophrenia?
  20. Modulation of the default mode network is task-dependant in chronic schizophrenia patients
  21. Action compatibility effects are hedonically marked and have incidental consequences on affective judgment.
  22. Fouille de données issues d'études psychologiques liées au vieillissement. Extraction de règles graduelles
  23. The embodied cognition theory and the motor component of “yes” and “no” verbal responses
  24. Émotion et cognition incarnée: La dimension motrice des réponses verbales «oui» et «non».
  25. Brain activation during executive processes in schizophrenia
  26. Influence de stimuli olfactifs dans une tâche d’évaluation hédonique de couleurs : les yeux voient ce que le nez sent
  27. Rencontre entre mémoire et contrôle chez des jeunes et des aînés : la naissance d’une plainte ?
  28. Influence du type de motivation sur le traitement cognitif de l'utilité et de la désirabilité sociales
  29. “L’influence de la taille typique des objets dans une tâche de catégorisation”: Correction.
  30. Updating Situation Models During Reading of News Reports: Evidence From Empirical Data and Simulations
  31. Évaluation du traitement des traits perceptifs des concepts vivants et non vivants lors du vieillissement normal et de la maladie d'Alzheimer.
  32. Familiarité des concepts vivant et non vivant en fonction de l'âge et du genre.
  33. L'influence de la taille typique des objets dans une tâche de catégorisation.
  34. Effets de la vie en institution des personnes âgées sur leurs stratégies de faire face et sur leur difficulté à verbaliser leurs émotions (alexithymie)
  35. The Study of Inhibitory Processes in Aging with the Faust et al. Paradigm (1997): Methodological Issues
  36. Vieillissement et Demence de Type Alzheimer: influence du type de connecteur sur la comprehension et la memorisation de phrases
  37. Pertinence du thème et tonalité affective du contenu dans la mémorisation d'un texte
  38. Mémoire et langage
  39. L'intégration sémantique
  40. Dynamics of Emotions
  41. Dynamic of Language Comprehension and Extension of the Revelation Effect
  42. What is left can be "right": Effect of active hand on right-handers' valence/laterality associations
  43. Matching Between the Answers Simulated by the Brain and the Answers Required by a Task Explains the Response Times
  44. Do the Elders Blame Memory Slips and Controlled Processes Through Their Memory Complaint?
  45. Distinctiveness and action: What consequences on recognition judgment?
  46. Cognitive Basis of Hallucinations in Aging: Role of Metacognition and Controlled Processes (Jacoby, 1991)
  47. Synergistic memory: The consequences of actions enter as an input into memory judgments