All Stories

  1. Financial Transparency Scale: Its Development and Potential Uses
  2. Communication Among Parents Who Share Physical Custody After Divorce or Separation
  3. Incidents When Older Homebound Women Tried to Reach Help Quickly
  4. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Divorced Mothers' Experiences With Coparenting
  5. Raising Awareness of Assistive Technology in Older Adults Through a Community-Based, Cooperative Extension Program
  6. Communication Technology and Postdivorce Coparenting
  7. Close-Calls that Older Homebound Women Handled without Help While Alone at Home
  8. Predicting Postdivorce Coparental Communication
  9. Emergent Situations When Older Homebound Women had Fortuitous Help and a Typology of Helpers who were Involved
  10. Ex-Partner and Ex-Spouse Relationships
  11. Coparental Identity and Mothers’ Cooperation in Coparental Relationships*