All Stories

  1. Niche partitioning and coexistence of two spiders of the genus Peucetia (Araneae, Oxyopidae) inhabiting Trichogoniopsis adenantha plants (Asterales, Asteraceae)
  2. Population dynamics and phenology of two congeneric and sympatric lynx spiders Peucetia rubrolineata Keyserling, 1877 and Peucetia flava Keyserling, 1877 (Oxyopidae)
  3. The wasp Flacopimpla parasitoid of the spider Achaearanea tingo
  4. Trunk structural traits explain habitat use of a tree-dwelling spider
  5. Chapter: Spider–Plant Interactions
  6. Population studies of Selenops cocheleti
  7. egg sac predation on a wall crab spider Selenopidae by the wasp Camera (Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae)