All Stories

  1. Comparison of three indirect methods for verification and validation of reference intervals at eight medical laboratories: a European multicenter study
  2. ISO 15189 is a sufficient instrument to guarantee high-quality manufacture of laboratory developed tests for in-house-use conform requirements of the European In-Vitro-Diagnostics Regulation
  3. Direct-to-consumer laboratory testing (DTCT): challenges and implications for specialists in laboratory medicine
  4. M145 Serum lipase testing on the Abbott alinity: Indirect reference range estimation reveals differences between diasys and sentinel reagents
  5. Implementation of the new EU IVD regulation – urgent initiatives are needed to avert impending crisis
  6. Requirements for electronic laboratory reports according to the German guideline Rili-BAEK and ISO 15189
  7. Treatment with Ceftriaxone in Complicated Diverticulitis Increases the Incidence of Intra-Abdominal Enterococcus faecium Detection
  8. Age and sex dependent reference intervals for random plasma/serum glucose concentrations related to different sampling devices and determined by an indirect procedure with data mining
  9. Up-to date platelet testing
  10. Diagnostic work up of anemic patients: role of iron deficiency
  11. Quantitative laboratory results: normal or lognormal distribution?
  12. How do different tube types effect diabetes prevalence?
  13. Autoverication is useful to improve the quality of laboratory testing
  14. long-term storage of patient and consumer test results
  15. Commutability Assessment of Candidate Reference Materials for Pancreatic Alpha-amylase
  16. color coding of laboratory test results
  17. Opinion: redefining the role of the physician in laboratory medicine in the context of emerging technologies, personalised medicine and patient autonomy (‘4P medicine’)
  18. guidelines for blood drawing (peripheral vein)
  19. Biomarker Troponin (2): Sicht des Labormediziners
  20. Direct-to-Consumer Testing: the business with lifestyle tests
  21. The use of error and uncertainty methods in the medical laboratory
  22. Schnelltests: Mit Bedacht einsetzen
  23. Der zlog-Wert als Basis für die Standardisierung von Laborwerten
  24. Festlegung der zulässigen Messunsicherheit quantitativer Messgrößen in der Laboratoriumsmedizin
  25. The zlog value as a basis for the standardization of laboratory results
  26. Chancen und Risiken von e-Health in der Labormedizin
  27. Corrigendum zu: Chancen und Risiken von e-Health in der Labormedizin
  28. Recommendations for the frequency of ordering laboratory testing
  29. Are regulation-driven performance criteria still acceptable? – The German point of view
  30. Multicenter Analytical Evaluation of the Automated Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay for Cyclosporine
  31. Multi-center analytical evaluation of a novel automated tacrolimus immunoassay
  32. Comparability and Imprecision of 8 Frequently Used Commercially Available Immunoassays for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  33. Empfehlungen zur Häufigkeit der Anforderung von Laboruntersuchungen
  34. Umfrage zur Laborberatung in Deutschland
  35. Key figures and benchmarking in the hospital laboratory1)
  36. Pros and cons of thrombophilia testing1)
  37. Pro und Contra der Thrombophiliediagnostik/Pros and cons of thrombophilia testing
  38. Prevention of CA-MRSA
  39. Update of D-dimer testing1)
  40. Einsatz der D-Dimerbestimmung – ein Update/Update of D-dimer testing
  41. Kennzahlen und Benchmarking im Krankenhauslabor/Key figures and benchmarking in the hospital laboratory
  42. HE4 in gynecological cancers: report of a European investigators and experts meeting
  43. Cholesterol: Its Regulation and Role in Central Nervous System Disorders
  44. Unsatisfactory Quality
  45. Quality in Laboratory Hemostasis and Thrombosis
  46. Antibiotika am Krankenbett
  47. Praktische Umsetzung des Gendiagnostikgesetzes (GenDG) in der Laboratoriumsmedizin, dem humangenetischen Laboratorium und der humangenetischen Beratung/Practical Implications of the German Genetic Diagnostics Act (GenDG) for Laboratory Medicine, the Hu...
  48. CSF interleukin 6 – a useful biomarker of meningitis in adults?/Liquor Interleukin 6 – ein sinnvoller Biomarker für die Meningitis beim Erwachsenen
  49. Quintessence Unjustified
  50. Antiplatelet drugs in cardiology: current trends in therapy and monitoring 1
  51. Thrombozytenhemmende Therapie in der Kardiologie: aktuelle Entwicklungen bei Therapie und Monitoring / Antiplatelet drugs in cardiology: current trends in therapy and monitoring
  52. Factor II- and factor Xa-inhibitors for prevention and treatment of thromboses / Faktor II- und Faktor Xa-Inhibitoren in der Prävention und Therapie von Thrombosen
  53. Benigne Prostata‐Hyperplasie und Benignes Prostata‐Syndrom. Die Krankheit des alten Mannes
  54. Langzeittherapie der familiären Hypercholesterinämie mit Heparin-induzierter extrakorporaler LDL-Präzipitation
  55. Cytokines in the Genesis and Treatment of Cancer
  56. cAMP-induced expression of ABCA1 is associated with MAP-kinase-pathway activation
  57. Endocytosis and intracellular trafficking of fatty acid esters of phenylaminopropanediol, the putative etiologic agents of the toxic oil syndrome (TOS)
  58. Activity of sirolimus in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome - results of a pilot study
  59. Thrombophiliediagnostik bei Empfängern von Organtransplantaten / Thrombophilia diagnostics in recipients of organ transplants
  60. A New Concept for Acne Therapy: A Pilot Study With Zileuton, an Oral 5-Lipoxygenase Inhibitor
  61. Chylomicron Remnant Concentrations in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
  62. Shed L-Selectin (sCD62L) Load in Trauma Patients
  63. An improved method for the rapid assessment of persisting chylomicron remnant concentrations
  64. Postprandial chylomicrons and VLDLs in severe hypertriacylglycerolemia are lowered more effectively than are chylomicron remnants after treatment with n−3 fatty acids
  65. Expression of Human Apolipoprotein E3 or E4 in the Brains ofApoe−/−Mice: Isoform-Specific Effects on Neurodegeneration
  66. Hemostatic Factors in Hypertriglyceridemic Men
  67. Effects of a Frequent Apolipoprotein E Isoform, ApoE4Freiburg (Leu28->Pro), on Lipoproteins and the Prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease in Whites
  68. Isoform-specific effects of human apolipoprotein E on brain function revealed in ApoE knockout mice: Increased susceptibility of females
  69. The Diagnostic Value of Serum Homocysteine Concentration as a Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease
  70. Diagnostic Pitfalls during Therapy for Extreme Hypertriglyceridaemia
  71. Clearance of postprandial lipoproteins in normolipemics: role of the apolipoprotein E phenotype
  72. Stable Expression and Secretion of Apolipoproteins E3 and E4 in Mouse Neuroblastoma Cells Produces Differential Effects on Neurite Outgrowth
  73. Responsiveness of ATIII and coagulation factors V and VII to a standardized oral fat load
  74. Effects of VLDL, chylomicrons, and chylomicron remnants on platelet aggregability
  75. Apo E and apo CIII from different lipoproteins in the HDL size range and behave differently in secondary dyslipoproteinemias
  76. Lack of interference of apo(a) polymorphism in nephelometric LP(a) determination
  77. Late chylomicron remants after a standardized oral fat load do not discriminate between patients with coronary heart disease and healthy controls
  78. Postprandial heparin-induced free fatty acids discriminate between patients with and without coronary artery disease
  79. Gemfibrozil exerts favorable trends on parameters of glucose tolerance in hyperlipidemic patients suffering from diabetes mellitus
  80. Pravastatin treatment decreases postprandial levels of chylomicron remnants in type IIb patients
  81. The role of the liver in postprandial hypertriglyceridaemia
  82. Human serum gangliosides in hypercholesterolemia, before and after extracorporeal elimination of LDL
  83. Altered concentrations, patterns and distribution in lipoproteins of serum gangliosides in liver diseases of different etiologies
  84. Gangliosides in normal human serum. Concentration, pattern and transport by lipoproteins
  85. Biosynthesis and secretion of gangliosides by the isolated perfused rat liver