All Stories

  1. Reading fiction together to support reflective practice and recovery in serious mental illness: The value of book club.
  2. Supervision of psychotherapy for psychosis: A meaning-making approach.
  3. Fostering intersubjectivity in the psychotherapy of psychosis: Accepting and challenging fragmentation.
  4. Meaning, integration, and the self in serious mental illness: Implications of research in metacognition for psychiatric rehabilitation.
  5. A review of psychotherapeutic models and treatments for psychosis
  6. Understanding the Course of Self-disorders and Alterations in Self- Experience in Schizophrenia: Implications from Research on Metacognition
  7. Phenomenological and recovery models of the subjective experience of psychosis: discrepancies and implications for treatment
  8. The Role of Interpersonal Connection, Personal Narrative, and Metacognition in Integrative Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia: A Case Report
  9. Individual psychotherapy for schizophrenia: trends and developments in the wake of the recovery movement