All Stories

  1. Misperceptions in inter-functional supply management: work-share coordination vs. integrated cooperation
  2. Business-to-Business communication in a dynamic environment: A systematic adductive analysis referring to ramp-up management
  3. Factors that influence the success of small and medium-sized suppliers in public procurement: evidence from a centralized agency in Germany
  4. Performance-based contracting: contextual factors and the degree of buyer supplier integration
  5. Procurement of a supply information system
  6. Performance Based Logistics
  7. PBL – ein Lösungsansatz für die deutsche Verteidigungsbeschaffung?
  8. Public Performance-based Contracting
  9. Management von PPBC
  10. PPBC im Referenzsystem der öffentlichen Beschaffung
  11. Explorative empirische Untersuchungen zu PPBC
  12. Grundlagen von Performance-based Contracting (PBC)
  13. Zusammenfassung, Reflexion der Erkenntnisse, Ausblick
  14. Konzeptionelle Grundlagen
  15. Grundlagen des öffentlichen Beschaffungsmanagements
  16. Multikausaler Ansatz für die Analyse von PPBC