All Stories

  1. Globalization and Representative Democracy
  2. Between Utopianism and Realism: The Limits of Partisanship as an Academic Methodology
  3. A Republican Europe of States
  4. Liberalism
  5. The republican core of the case for judicial review: A reply to Tom Hickey. Why political constitutionalism requires equality of power and weak review
  6. The Democratic Production of Political Cohesion: Partisanship, Institutional Design and Life Form
  7. ‘An Ever Closer Union Among the Peoples of Europe’: Union Citizenship, Democracy, Rights and the Enfranchisement of Second Country Nationals
  8. Balancing the Rights of European Citizenship with Duties Towards National Citizens: An Inter-National Perspective
  9. State Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Freedom of Movement
  10. Majority Rule, Compromise and the Democratic Legitimacy of Referendums
  11. Balancing the rights and duties of European and national citizens: a demoicratic approach
  12. Politics Recovered
  13. Was the Brexit referendum legitimate, and would a second one be so?
  14. Brexit and Beyond
  15. Constitutionalism and Democracy
  16. The Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers
  17. A demoicratic justification of differentiated integration in a heterogeneous EU
  18. European boundaries in question?
  19. Citizenship Rights
  20. Which Republicanism, Whose Freedom?
  21. A European Republic of Sovereign States: Sovereignty, republicanism and the European Union
  22. The Representative Turn in EU Studies
  23. The politicization of European integration: National parliaments and the democratic disconnect
  24. Beyond a constraining dissensus: The role of national parliaments in domesticating and normalising the politicization of European integration
  25. Republikanismus, Rechte und Demokratie
  26. Turtles all the way down? Is the political constitutionalist appeal to disagreement self-defeating? A reply to Cormac Mac Amhlaigh
  27. A Duty-Free Europe? What's Wrong with Kochenov's Account of EU Citizenship Rights
  28. Political legitimacy and European monetary union: contracts, constitutionalism and the normative logic of two-level games
  29. Citizenship, Historical Development of
  30. Bobbio, Norberto (1909–2004)
  31. Liberalism: Political Doctrine and Impact on Social Science
  32. The Democratic Legitimacy of International Human Rights Conventions: Political Constitutionalism and the European Convention on Human Rights
  33. Reforming the European Union: Realizing the Impossible. By Daniel Finke, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch, and George Tsebelis. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. 248p. $80.00 cloth, $35.00 paper. - The Crisis of the European Un...
  36. Representation Deficits and Surpluses in EU Policy-making
  37. ‘An Ever Closer Union Among the Peoples of Europe’: Republican Intergovernmentalism andDemoicratic Representation within the EU
  38. Rights, Republicanism and Democracy
  39. Public Law as Democracy: The Case of Constitutional Rights
  40. Three models of democracy, political community and representation in the EU
  41. Rights as Democracy
  42. Domesticating the Democratic Deficit? The Role of National Parliaments and Parties in the EU's System of Governance
  43. The liberty of the moderns: Market freedom and democracy within the EU
  44. Democracy, Compromise and the Representation Paradox: Coalition Government and Political Integrity
  45. Introduction: Meeting in the Middle
  46. Europe Hits Home – The Domestic Deficits of Representative Democracy in EU Affairs
  47. The Normality of Constitutional Politics: An Analysis of the Drafting of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
  48. Citizenship
  49. Introduction
  50. Democracy by Delegation? Who Represents Whom and How in European Governance
  51. Evaluating Trustworthiness, Representation and Political Accountability in New Modes of Governance
  52. Political constitutionalism and the Human Rights Act
  53. Dirty hands and clean gloves: Liberal ideals and real politics
  54. Democracy without democracy? Can the EU's democratic ‘outputs’ be separated from the democratic ‘inputs’ provided by competitive parties and majority rule?
  55. Managing the health effects of climate change
  56. Anthony Costello: making climate change part of global health
  57. The Republic of Reasons: Public Reasoning, Depoliticization, and Non-Domination
  58. Evaluating Union citizenship: belonging, rights and participation within the EU
  59. Citizenship
  60. 4. Rights and the ‘right to have rights’
  61. 2. Theories of citizenship and their history
  62. 1. What is citizenship, and why does it matter?
  63. 3. Membership and belonging
  64. 5. Participation and democracy
  65. The Challenge of European Union
  66. Developments in Pluralist and Elite Approaches
  67. The Democratic Constitution: Why Europeans should Avoid American Style Constitutional Judicial Review
  68. Introduction: Should Europe Adopt the American Way of Law … and Has it Done so? European Political Science and the Law
  69. Beyond Community and Rights: European Citizenship and the Virtues of Participation1
  70. Constituting Communities
  71. editing a journal
  72. editing the Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
  73. Political Constitutionalism
  74. An Italian Story? Berlusconi and Contemporary Democratic Politics
  75. Still in Deficit: Rights, Regulation, and Democracy in the EU
  76. Introduction
  77. The European Constitution is Dead, Long Live European Constitutionalism
  78. symposium: the european origins of american political science
  79. Making European Citizens
  80. Introduction: From National to Transnational Citizenship
  81. Between Past and Future: The Democratic Limits of EU Citizenship
  82. symposium: a ‘united states of europe’?
  83. Norberto Bobbio: Estado de Derecho y democracia
  84. Building the Union: The Nature of Sovereignty in the Political Architecture of Europe
  85. Theories of Federalism: A Reader
  86. The Normality of Constitutional Politics: An Analysis of the Drafting of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
  87. Political Theory and the European Constitution
  88. Trusting in Reason
  89. Lacroix's European Constitutional Patriotism: A Response
  90. Introduction: The Making of Modern Citizenship
  91. Lineages of European Citizenship
  92. Hans Kelsen and normative legal positivism
  93. The advent of the masses and the making of the modern theory of democracy
  94. Bibliography
  95. Biographies
  96. Editors’ introduction
  97. Political concepts
  98. The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought
  99. Sovereignty, Post-Sovereignty and Pre-Sovereignty: Three Models of The State, Democracy and Rights Within the EU
  100. Identity Politics: Introduction to a New Series
  101. Democracy. By Albert Weale. New York: St Martin's Press, 1999. 244p. $59.95 cloth, $19.95 paper.
  102. Constitutive Citizenship versus Constitutional Rights: Republican Reflections on the EU Charter and the Human Rights Act *
  103. The rule of law and the rule of persons
  104. Two views of Italy's failed revolution
  105. A Crocean critique of Gramsci on historicism, hegemony and intellectuals
  106. Introduction - From philosophes to pundits: Italian intellectuals and politics from Vico to Eco
  107. Liberalism: Impact on Social Science
  108. Two views of Italy's failed revolution
  109. Introduction - From philosophes to pundits: Italian intellectuals and politics from Vico to Eco
  110. A Crocean critique of Gramsci on historicism, hegemony and intellectuals
  111. A Modern Interpreter: Benedetto Croce and the Politics of Italian Culture
  112. Dealing with difference: four models of pluralist politics
  113. Liberalism and the Challenge of Pluralism
  114. Consensus, neutrality and compromise
  115. From an Ethics of Integration to an Ethics of Participation: Citizenship and the Future of the European Union
  116. The Normative Challenge of a European Polity: Cosmopolitan and Communitarian Models Compared, Criticised and Combined
  117. Constitutionalism and Democracy – Political Theory and the American Constitution
  118. Building the Union: The Nature of Sovereignty in the Political Architecture of Europe
  119. Toleration, Liberalism and Democracy: A Comment on Leader and Garzón Valdés
  120. Liberal politics and the judiciary: The supreme court and american democracy
  121. Building the Union: The Nature of Sovereignty in the Political Architecture of Europe
  122. Introduction: Constitutions and Politics
  123. The Political Form of the Constitution: The Separation of Powers, Rights and Representative Democracy
  124. The New Right Conception of Citizenship and the Citizen's Charter
  125. Asylums
  126. Banishment and confiscations
  127. Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought
  128. Conclusion
  129. Consequences
  130. Crimes difficult to prove
  131. Education
  132. Errors in the measuring of punishments
  133. Evidence and forms of judgement
  134. False ideas of utility
  135. Family feeling
  136. How to prevent crimes
  137. Inaugural Lecture
  138. Introduction
  139. Leading interrogations, depositions
  140. Lenience in punishing
  141. Magistrates
  142. Of a particular kind of crime
  143. Of debtors
  144. Of detention awaiting trial
  145. Of duels
  146. Of honour
  147. Of oaths
  148. Of prompt punishments
  149. Of the exchequer
  150. Of torture
  151. Of witnesses
  152. On Crimes and Punishments
  153. On Luxury
  154. On setting a price on men's heads
  155. Parasites
  156. Pardons
  157. Public awards
  158. Public disgrace
  159. Public peace
  160. Reflections on Manners and Customs
  161. Secret denunciations
  162. Smuggling
  163. Suicide
  164. The classification of crimes
  165. The death penalty
  166. The interpretation of the laws
  167. The obscurity of the laws
  168. The origin of punishment
  169. The proportion between crimes and punishments
  170. The purpose of punishment
  171. The right to punish
  172. The sciences
  173. Theft
  174. To André Morellet
  175. To Jean Baptiste d'Alembert
  176. To the Reader
  177. Trials and prescriptions
  178. Violent crimes
  179. The Liberal Predicament: Historical and Logical
  180. Beccaria:On Crimes and Punishments and Other Writings
  181. Liberal Justice: Political and Metaphysical
  182. ‘Dethroning Politics’: Liberalism, Constitutionalism and Democracy in the Thought of F. A. Hayek
  183. The theory and practice of liberalism
  184. Moralizing markets
  185. Biancamaria Fontana, Benjamin Constant and the Post-Revolutionary Mind, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1991, pp. vi + 165.
  186. The Anti‐Poll Tax Non‐Payment Campaign and Liberal Concepts of Political Obligation
  187. Fate and utopia in German sociology 1870–1923
  188. Reviews : Adam Seligman, The Idea of Civil Society. New York: The Free Press, 1992. vii + 241 pp
  189. Defending the liberal community
  190. Carl Schmitt and the contradictions of liberal democracy
  191. Joseph A. Schumpeter and his contemporaries.
  192. Reviews : Dante Germino, Antonio Gramsci: Architect of a New Politics. Baton Rouge, LA and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1990. £16.10, xxii + 270 pp
  193. Liberalism and nationalism in the thought of Max Weber
  194. Drucilla Cornell, Michael Rosenfeld and David Gray Carlson (eds), Hegel and Legal Theory, New York and London: Routledge, 1991, pp xxviii + 359, £40.00 Hb, £12.99 Pb.
  195. Schumpeter and the Transformation of Capitalism, Liberalism and Democracy
  196. Between economic and ethical liberalism: Benedetto Croce and the dilemmas of liberal politics
  197. Reviews : Esteve Morera, Gramsci's Historicism: a realist interpretation, London and New York: Routledge,1990, £30.000, vii + 237 pp
  198. John Gray, Liberalisms: Essays in Political Philosophy, London and New York, Routledge, 1989, pp. ix + 273.
  199. Lo Stato Immaginario: Metafore e Paradigmi Nella Cultura Giuridica Italiana fra Ottocento e Novecento . Pietro Costa
  200. Hayek and modern liberalism
  201. The social and political thought of R.G. Collingwood
  202. From ethical to economic liberalism – the sociology of Pareto's politics
  203. Reviews : William E. Connolly, Politics and Ambiguity, Madison, Wisc.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987, £23.75, xii + 168 pp. William E. Connolly, Political Theory and Modernity, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988, £22.50, xi + 196 pp
  204. A theory of freedom
  205. The self, the individual, and the community: Liberalism in the political thought of F.A. Hayek and Sidney and Beatrice Webb
  206. The unprincipled society: New demands and old politics
  207. Fascism and Everyday Life
  208. The morality of freedom
  209. Post-Modernism and the End of History
  210. Idealism and Liberalism in an Italian ‘New Liberal Theorist’: Guido De Ruggiero's History of European Liberalism*
  211. Hegel and liberalism
  212. Lawrence S. Stepelevich and David Lamb (eds.), Hegel's Philosophy of Action, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, Humanities Press, 1983, pp. 226, £18.95.
  213. Hegel’s conception of the State and political philosophy in a post-Hegelian world
  214. A Green Revolution? Idealism, Liberalism and the Welfare State
  215. What is Living and What is Dead in Croce's Interpretation of Hegel
  216. Introduction
  217. Constitutionalism
  218. Republicanism
  219. Which Constitution for What Kind of Europe?
  220. ‘Compromise, Consensus and Neutrality’
  221. The Rule of Law and the Rule of Persons
  222. Liberal Democracy 1914-45: Defences and Developments
  223. Chronology
  224. Biographical glossary
  225. Note on the texts
  226. Bibliographical note
  227. Preface and acknowledgements
  228. Introduction: legal and political constitutionalism
  229. Constitutionalism and democracy
  230. The liberal democratic state: defences and developments
  231. Evaluating Union Citizenship: Belonging, Rights and Participation Within the EU
  232. The Liberty of the Post-Moderns? Market and Civic Freedom within the EU
  233. Which Constitution for What Kind of Europe? Three Models of European Constitutionalism
  234. ‘A Crocean Critique of Gramsci on Historicism, Hegemony and Intellectuals’
  235. The Normative Turn in European Union Studies: Legitimacy, Identity and Democracy
  236. Constitutional rights and the limits of judicial review
  237. The rule of law and the rule of persons
  238. The norms of political constitutionalism: non-domination and political equality
  239. The forms of political constitutionalism: public reason and the balance of power
  240. Bringing together norms and forms: the democratic constitution
  241. Political Thought in Continental Europe during the Twentieth Century
  242. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  243. ‘Da metafisico a mercatante’: Antonio Genovesi and the development of a new language of commerce in eighteenth-century Naples
  244. The democratic legitimacy of international human rights conventions: political constitutionalism and the Hirst case
  245. Challenges of Inequality to Democracy
  246. Conclusion