All Stories

  1. Extended Higher-Order Elements with Frequency-Doubled Parameters: The Hysteresis Loops Are Always of Type II
  2. Basis Functions for a Transient Analysis of Linear Commensurate Fractional-Order Systems
  3. Predictive Modeling of MEMS via Generic Meminductors: The Multiport Inductor Approach
  4. Extended and Generic Higher-Order Elements for MEMS Modeling
  5. Modeling of the generic memcapacitors using higher-order multi-ports
  6. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for coupled higher-order elements: theory, modeling, simulation
  7. (V)TEAM for SPICE Simulation of Memristive Devices With Improved Numerical Performance
  8. Higher-Order Hamiltonian for Circuits with (α,β) Elements
  9. All Pinched Hysteresis Loops Generated by (α, β) Elements: in What Coordinates They May be Observable
  10. Hamilton’s Principle for Circuits with Dissipative Elements
  11. Taxicab geometry in table of higher-order elements
  12. Duality of Complex Systems Built from Higher-Order Elements
  13. About v-i Pinched Hysteresis of Some Non-Memristive Systems
  14. Predictive Models of Nanodevices
  15. Pinched hysteresis loops of the elements from Chua's table
  16. Hysteresis vs PSM of ideal memristors, memcapacitors, and meminductors