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  1. the mineralogy and mixing state of mineral dust
  2. Contributions of biogenic material to the atmospheric ice-nucleating particle population in North Western Europe
  3. Aircraft and ground measurements of dust aerosols over the west African coast in summer 2015 during ICE-D and AER-D
  4. Atmospheric Ice-Nucleating Particles in the Dusty Tropical Atlantic
  5. Factors controlling secondary ice production in cumulus clouds
  6. Chapter 7. Secondary Ice Production - current state of the science and recommendations for the future
  7. The Convective Precipitation Experiment (COPE): Investigating the Origins of Heavy Precipitation in the Southwestern United Kingdom
  8. Evaluating uncertainty in convective cloud microphysics using statistical emulation
  9. Observations of the Variation in Aerosol and Cloud Microphysics along the 20°S Transect on 13 November 2008 during VOCALS-REx
  10. Microphysical properties of cold frontal rainbands†
  11. Aircraft measurements of wave clouds
  12. The production of warm rain in shallow maritime cumulus clouds
  13. Ice formation and development in aged, wintertime cumulus over the UK: observations and modelling
  14. The Coupled Effect of Mid-Tropospheric Moisture and Aerosol Abundance on Deep Convective Cloud Dynamics and Microphysics
  15. The response of precipitation to aerosol through riming and melting in deep convective clouds
  16. Observations of ice multiplication in a weakly convective cell embedded in supercooled mid-level stratus
  17. Heterogeneous nucleation of ice particles on glassy aerosols under cirrus conditions
  18. The development of ice in a cumulus cloud over southwest England
  19. Enhanced vertical transport efficiency of aerosol in convective clouds due to increases in tropospheric aerosol abundance
  20. A numerical study of aerosol effects on the dynamics and microphysics of a deep convective cloud in a continental environment
  21. Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow in a street canyon
  22. Idealized Simulations of Atmospheric Coastal Flow along the Central Coast of California