All Stories

  1. Patient-centered management of actinic keratosis. Results of a multi-center clinical consensus analyzing non-melanoma skin cancer patient profiles and field-treatment strategies
  2. BRAF V600 mutations or fusions can be missed by some BRAF testing methods.
  3. Melanoma tumour vasculature heterogeneity: from mice models to human
  4. Desmoplatic melanomas carry many UV-induced mutations in their DNA.
  5. BRAF inhibitors do not only bind BRAFV600- proteins!
  6. Do the Side Effects of BRAF Inhibitors Mimic RASopathies?
  7. Woman, mother, and scientist: Aiming to fulfill a career in research while maintaining a “good-enough” work—life balance
  8. Secondary Tumors Arising in Patients Undergoing BRAF Inhibitor Therapy Exhibit Increased BRAF–CRAF Heterodimerization
  9. The different types of personalities among academic vs private practice medical doctors, using PCM
  10. Association of Vitiligo With Tumor Response in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma Treated With Pembrolizumab
  11. Abstract A23: eIF4F is a key and targetable convergence nexus of multiple mechanisms of resistance to anti-BRAF and anti-MEK cancer therapies
  12. Abstract 934: BRAF inhibitors induce skin and extra-cutaneous tumors via paradoxical activation of the MAPK pathway: Molecular study of 66 tumors and visualization of BRAF/CRAF protein dimers
  13. eIF4F is a nexus of resistance to anti-BRAF and anti-MEK cancer therapies
  14. Traduction CAP-dépendante: une nouvelle cible thérapeutique dans le mélanome résistant au vemurafenib
  15. Tumeurs kératinocytaires induites par activation paradoxale de la voie MAPK sous inhibiteur de BRAF – Étude histologique, génétique, et virologique de 57 tumeurs secondaires
  16. Metastatic melanoma: New paradigms of treatment and new toxicities
  17. Vemurafenib and Radiosensitization
  18. Autoimmune Bullous Skin Diseases Occurring under Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy: Two Case Reports
  19. BMP-4 is required for hepatic specification of mouse embryonic stem cell–derived definitive endoderm
  20. L-SIGN (CD209L) and DC-SIGN (CD209) mediate transinfection of liver cells by hepatitis C virus
  21. Polymorphism screening of PIK4CA: Possible candidate gene for chromosome 22q11-linked psychiatric disorders