All Stories

  1. Commentary on “Voice Rehabilitation by Voice Prostheses After Total Laryngectomy: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis for 11,918 Patients”
  2. Intraoperative Surgical Complications in Transoral Laser CO2 Microsurgery of the Larynx: An Observational, Prospective, Single-Center Study
  3. A Pilot Study to Assess the Sialendoscopy-Assisted Transfacial Approach in Parotid Gland Sialolithiasis
  4. Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Clean Head and Neck Surgery: An Observational Retrospective Single-Centre Study
  5. Transoral Sialolitectomy as an Alternative to Submaxilectomy in the Treatment of Submaxillary Sialolithiasis
  6. Complications after cochlear implantation in adult patients. 10-Year retrospective analysis of a tertiary academic centre
  7. How we do it: anterior and posterior nosebleed trainer, the 3D printing epistaxis project
  8. Enfisema periorbitario tras sonarse la nariz
  9. Epistaxis secundaria a aneurisma de arteria carótida interna
  10. Orbital Emphysema After Blowing the Nose
  11. Epistaxis Secondary to Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm
  12. Tuberculosis de la glándula parótida
  13. Cofosis unilateral asociada a un neurinoma del glosofaríngeo
  14. Granulomatosis de Wegener con afectación supraglótica
  15. Wegener Granulomatosis With Supraglottic Involvement
  16. Transoral CO2 Laser Microsurgery Outcomes for Early Glottic Carcinomas T1-T2
  17. A safe way to find the posterior ethmoidal cells: navigation with cottonoid
  18. Tuberculosis de cabeza y cuello: estudio retrospectivo de 6 años
  19. Head and Neck Tuberculosis: 6-Year Retrospective Study
  20. Complications in CO2 Laser Transoral Microsurgery for Larynx Carcinomas
  21. Une étiologie exceptionnelle de l’asymétrie amygdalienne
  22. The treatment of snoring by radiofrequency-assisted uvulopalatoplasty and results after one-session protocol: a prospective, longitudinal, non-randomized study
  23. Anestesia tópica en la nasofibrolaringoscopia flexible
  24. Síndrome de Eagle
  25. Eagle syndrome
  26. Topical Anaesthesia in Flexible Nasofibrolaryngoscopy
  27. The Vigo grommet trainer
  28. Le Vigo Grommet Trainer, simulateur de mise en place de drains de tympanostomie
  29. A novel, cheap and easy to build FESS trainer
  30. The risk of venous thromboembolism in ENT and head & neck surgery
  31. Compensatory hypertrophy of the contralateral inferior turbinate in patients with unilateral nasal septal deviation. A computed tomography study
  32. Temporal Bone Dissection Practice Using a Chicken Egg
  33. “The role of topical anesthesia in flexible nasofibrolaryngoscopy”. Is it necessary?