All Stories

  1. 'Ono, oh Yes!': An A-League Tensai (Genius) Made in Japan
  2. Football fandom, multiculturalism, chants and social resistance
  3. Ambivalent Lives, Fighting Bodies: Women and Combat Sports in Brazil
  4. Uma nova e moderna sociedade? O esporte no teatro de Arthur Azevedo
  5. Football and the ‘new’ gender order: Brazilian cinema in the late twentieth century
  6. Feeling at home: an autoethnographic account of an immigrant football fan in Western Sydney
  7. Playing for freedom: Sócrates,futebol-arteand democratic struggle in Brazil
  8. A Deleuzo-Guattarian ‘schizoanalysis’ of the Smart Moves – Physical Activity Program in Queensland State Schools
  9. Introduction – Women, Men, and Horses: Looking at the Equestrian World Through a “Gender Lens”
  10. Gender and Equestrian Sport
  11. The Black, the White, the Green: Fluid Masculinities in Brazilian Dressage
  12. Bernard Shaw’s Admirable Bashville: Playwright and Prizefighter
  13. Educating Copacabana: a critical analysis of the “Second Half”, an Olympic education program of Rio 2016
  14. Teatro infantil, gênero e direitos humanos: um olhar crítico sobre as peças Felizardo e O menino Teresa
  15. Futebol mulato: racial constructs in Brazilian football
  16. Brazilian women in the sports press: a case study
  17. The Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro 2007: Consequences of a sport mega-event on a BRIC country
  18. Rhizomatic bodies, gendered waves: transitional femininities in Brazilian Surf
  19. Portuguese
  20. Gendered Barriers to Brazilian Female Football
  21. Femininos e masculinos no futebol brasileiro
  22. Ser é ser percebido: uma radiografia da imagem corporal das atletas de handebol de alto nível no Brasil.