All Stories

  1. A Novel NGO Approach to Facilitate the Adoption of Sustainable Innovations in Low-Income Countries: Lessons from Small-scale Farms in Nicaragua
  2. Reflecting on 25 Years of Teaching, Researching, and Textbook Writing for Introduction to Management: An Essay With Some Lessons Learned
  3. God on management: The world’s largest religions, the “theological turn,” and organization and management theory and practice
  4. The Primary Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethicality in Corporate Reputation: An Empirical Study
  5. CSR and Accounting: Drawing on Weber and Aristotle to Rethink Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  6. Recipes for Successful Sustainability: Empirical Organizational Configurations for Strong Corporate Environmental Performance
  7. Management and the Gospel
  8. I learned more than I taught: the hidden dimension of learning in intercultural knowledge transfer
  9. Enhancing Critical Thinking by Teaching Two Distinct Approaches to Management
  10. Addressing Concerns Raised by Critics of Business Schools by Teaching Multiple Approaches to Management
  11. Exploring archetypal change: the importance of leadership and its substitutes
  12. Conventional Resource-Based Theory and its Radical Alternative: A Less Materialist-Individualist Approach to Strategy
  13. A Process Model of Social Intrapreneurship within a For-Profit Company: First Community Bank
  14. Corporate spiritual disciplines and the quest for organizational virtue
  15. Teaching Versus Learning: An Exploratory Longitudinal Case Study
  16. Do the Organizational Structures of Religious Places of Worship Reflect Their Statements of Faith? An Exploratory Study
  17. Management, Theology and Moral Points of View: Towards an Alternative to the Conventional Materialist‐Individualist Ideal‐Type of Management*
  18. Learning to Build a Car: An Empirical Investigation of Organizational Learning
  19. Passing the baton
  20. Aristotle’s Virtues and Management Thought: An Empirical Exploration of an Integrative Pedagogy
  21. Community Development as Organizational Learning: The Importance of Agent-Participant Reciprocity
  22. The Formation of Breakaway Organizations: Observations and a Process Model
  23. Erratum
  24. Understanding Configuration and Transformation through a Multiple Rationalities Approach
  25. Letter to the Editor
  26. Upheavals in Congregations: The Causes and Outcomes of Splits
  28. Build in Sustainable Development and They Will Come: A Vegetable Field of Dreams
  29. From airy-fairy ideas to concrete realities: The case of shared farming
  30. Improving the Effectiveness of Gainsharing: The Role of Fairness and Participation