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  1. Quality TV and cultural origin
  2. Extending the embodied semiotic square: A cultural-semantic analysis of “Follow your Arrow”
  3. Inching towards literacy in Madrid’s primary schools: a survey of school-wide projects
  4. The rhythms of narrative tension and its cultural satisfaction
  5. A report on the reports of the stanford literary lab: A reason why the digital humanities may find it difficult to change literary history
  6. Analyzing the fictional worlds of Pixar with an eye on digital humanities
  7. How do literary historians think?
  8. How can literary analysis try to be neutral and deal with values at the same time?
  9. A tool to analyze fictional fir for secondary education
  10. Too Many Munnies, too Many Americas: the Answer to the Academic Frontier in Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven
  11. Une analyse méthodique pour l’extraction terminologique dans le domaine du nucléaire
  12. Naturalized evil yields lack of narrative tension in Graham Swift's The Light of Day
  13. The sexual politics of the Catholic Church vs that of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code
  14. Are history and science complementary in fiction? A case study