All Stories

  1. Do life events lead to enduring changes in adult attachment styles? A naturalistic longitudinal investigation.
  2. Do our food preferences relate to our relationship style and dating behaviors?
  3. Relationship Maintenance from an Attachment Perspective
  4. Personality differences in closeness to network members
  5. Attachment security priming: a systematic review
  6. Birth status and adult attachment
  7. A Net of Friends: Investigating Friendship by Integrating Attachment Theory and Social Network Analysis
  8. Which people stay friends with their ex-partners, why, and what happens.
  9. Stress and wellbeing during chronic illness and partner death in later-life: the role of social support
  10. Generalizing disposability: Residential mobility and the willingness to dissolve social ties
  11. Nonverbal Communication of Similarity Via the Torso: It’s in the Bag
  12. What Is an Attachment Relationship?
  13. What Are Attachment Working Models?
  14. What Is Attachment Theory?
  15. How Do Individual Differences in Attachment Develop?
  16. What Can Neuroscience, Genetics, and Physiology Tell Us About Attachment?
  17. How Stable Are Attachment Styles in Adulthood?
  18. What Can Social Cognition and Priming Tell Us About Attachment?
  19. What are the Implications of Attachment Processes for Psychopathology and Therapy?
  20. What Are the Effects of Context on Attachment?
  21. How Are Individual Differences in Attachment Measured?
  22. What Is the Attachment Behavioral System? And, How Is It Linked to Other Behavioral Systems?
  23. Similarity in Relationships as Niche Construction: Choice, Stability, and Influence Within Dyads in a Free Choice Environment.
  24. The Causal Effects of Relational Security and Insecurity on Condom Use Attitudes and Acquisition Behavior
  25. Effects of mental resource availability on looming task performance
  26. Unconscious Desire: The Affective and Motivational Aspects of Subliminal Sexual Priming
  27. Ethnic Identity in Emerging Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa and the USA, and Its Associations with Psychological Well-Being
  28. Testing a dual-process model of avoidant defenses
  29. Insights into the Formation of Attachment Bonds from a Social Network Perspective
  30. The consequences of high levels of attachment security
  31. Neural evidence for a multifaceted model of attachment security
  32. Shoes as a source of first impressions
  33. Attachment and Caregiving
  34. Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses.
  35. Attachment, breakup strategies, and associated outcomes: The effects of security enhancement on the selection of breakup strategies
  36. Relationship Science: Integrating Evolutionary, Neuroscience, and Sociocultural Approaches.
  37. Effects of low survivability cues and participant sex on physiological and behavioral responses to sexual stimuli
  38. Neural correlates of exposure to subliminal and supraliminal sexual cues
  39. Comparing Old and Young Adults as They Cope with Life Transitions: The Links between Social Network Management Skills and Attachment Style to Depression
  40. Attachment, authenticity, and honesty: Dispositional and experimentally induced security can reduce self- and other-deception.
  41. Adult attachment insecurity and hippocampal cell density
  42. Attachment, attention, and cognitive control: Attachment style and performance on general attention tasks
  43. Development and validation of a state adult attachment measure (SAAM)
  44. Applying lessons from the person–situation debate to attachment theory and research
  45. The effects of psychological security and insecurity on political attitudes and leadership preferences
  46. State Adult Attachment Measure
  47. Autobiographical memory phenomenology and content mediate attachment style and psychological distress.
  48. Attachment style and long‐term singlehood
  49. Moving Toward a Secure Attachment Style: Can Repeated Security Priming Help?
  50. What Can Virtual Reality Teach Us About Prosocial Tendencies in Real and Virtual Environments?
  51. Psychometric Properties of the Spanish and American Versions of the ECR Adult Attachment Questionnaire
  52. Effects of attachment style and relationship context on selection among relational strategies
  53. Does Subliminal Exposure to Sexual Stimuli Have the Same Effects on Men and Women?
  54. A measure of relationship behaviors
  55. Avoidant attachment predicts directing attention away from threatening words
  56. Self-Reported Attachment, Interpersonal Aggression, and Personality Disorder in a Prospective Community Sample of Adolescents and Adults
  57. Attachment style and the regulation of negative emotions: Behavioral and fMRI evidence
  58. When sex is more than just sex: Attachment orientations, sexual experience, and relationship quality.
  59. The siren's call: Terror management and the threat of men's sexual attraction to women.
  60. Attachment, caregiving, and volunteering: Placing volunteerism in an attachment-theoretical framework
  61. Attachment-style differences in the ability to suppress negative thoughts: Exploring the neural correlates
  62. Attachment, Caregiving, and Altruism: Boosting Attachment Security Increases Compassion and Helping.
  63. Worldwide, economic development and gender equality correlate with liberal sexual attitudes and behavior: What does this tell us about evolutionary psychology?
  64. From parents to children—similarity in parents and offspring driving styles
  65. The multidimensional driving style inventory—scale construct and validation
  66. Talk title: Attachment security, compassion, and altruistic helping
  67. Automatic activation of attachment-related goals: The case of self-disclosure and support seeking
  68. Attachment Theory and Concern for Others'Welfare: Evidence That Activation of the Sense of Secure Base Promotes Endorsement of Self-Transcendence Values
  69. Activation of the attachment system in adulthood: Threat-related primes increase the accessibility of mental representations of attachment figures.
  70. Activation of the attachment system in adulthood: Threat-related primes increase the accessibility of mental representations of attachment figures.
  71. Attachment theory and rections to others' needs: Evidence that activiation of the sense of attachment security promotes empathic responses.
  72. The affective component of the secure base schema: Affective priming with representations of attachment security.
  73. Attachment theory and rections to others' needs: Evidence that activiation of the sense of attachment security promotes empathic responses.
  74. The affective component of the secure base schema: Affective priming with representations of attachment security.
  75. A Behavioral Systems Perspective on Compassionate Love
  76. Prejudice
  77. Sexual Behavioral System Subgoals
  78. Understanding sexual mating strategies via attachment and life history theories
  79. Is sex fun? Subliminal sexual priming positive affect and motivation
  80. Attachment style and closeness in social networks: A longitudinal examination
  81. Perception of sexual stimuli influences cognitive task performance
  82. Mindfulness and Attachment Security As Predictors of Success in Therapy
  83. Sexuality and romantic relationship: The mediating role of attachment styles
  84. Development and validation of a state measure of adult attachment
  85. The FACS of flirting: Evidence for a specific female flirting expression
  86. Sexual fantasies and romantic relationships: The moderating role of attachment styles
  87. Effects of attachment security priming on food sharing
  88. Social role changes the way people look at others
  89. Your torso can talk: Visual cues to similarity detection
  90. Effects of attachment style and contextual enhancement of attachment security on sexual strategies preference
  91. Attachment and cognition: Individual differences in information processing
  92. Selective information processing: Is attachment style related to general attention?
  93. Effects of a security boost and mortality salience on implicit attitudes
  94. Avoiding interference: What does attachment avoidance contribute to stroop performance?
  95. Playing hard-to-get and pursuing others who play: The role of attachment style
  96. A multilevel, multimethod interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of attachment.