All Stories

  1. Fluid therapy and traumatic brain injury: A narrative review
  2. Research activity during the residency program. Are we in the good way?
  3. High Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy in the Emergency Department: Main Benefits in Adults, Pediatric Population and against COVID-19: A Narrative Review
  4. Proton Pump Inhibitors: Are we prescribing them right?
  5. COVID-19 pandemic and medical resident education
  6. Metastatic colorectal micropapillary carcinoma presenting as lymphangitic lung carcinomatosis
  7. Asymptomatic pneumocephalus secondary to mild traumatic brain injury
  8. Síndrome de hipertermia maligna: una patología infrecuente
  9. Immunotyping of tumor‑infiltrating lymphocytes in triple‑negative breast cancer and genetic characterization
  10. The Novel Aspirin as Breakthrough Drug for COVID-19: A Narrative Review
  11. Oxygen Therapy: Systems and Indications in the Pediatric and Adult Population
  12. Neumonitis inducida por metotrexato
  13. Epidemiological profile and management of acute pyelonephritis in the emergency department of a tertiary hospital: A retrospective observational study
  14. Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Pediatric Emergencies
  15. Management of acetaminophen toxicity, a review
  16. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia in a Young Male as an Incidental Finding Associated With Acute Lithiasic Chronic Cholecystitis. Case Report and Literature Review
  17. Management of Community acquired pneumonia in the Emergency Room
  18. Emergency or immediate attention: a small difference
  19. Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infant: A Case Report
  20. Corea secundaria a hiperglucemia no cetósica: a propósito de un caso
  21. Antioxidant activity of pineal methoxyindoles on hepatocyte plasmatic membrane
  22. Utility of intervention programs in the evolutional control of patients with heart failure
  23. Current trends in management of acute pancreatitis: A review
  24. Diplopia as an alarm sign in orbital traumatisms
  25. Simultaneous associated onset of atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia without structural cardiopathy - A case report
  26. A solitary presentation of panniculitis in a patient with a history of breast cancer
  27. Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 1 in a Child with Low Height: Diagnostic Dilemmas
  28. NOS3 Polymorphisms and Chronic Kidney Disease
  29. Management of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding
  30. S. Pneumoniae Infection Associated with a Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in an Adult Patient: A Case Report
  31. Management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding
  32. Acute Pericarditis due to Coxiellaburnetiiinfection, a case report
  33. Pure mucinous breast carcinoma in a 25-year-old female, a case report
  34. Utilidad de los programas de intervención en el control evolutivo de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca
  35. Pre-treatment with melatonin decreases abamectin induced toxicity in a nocturnal insect Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
  36. Determination of plasma lactate in the emergency department for the early detection of tissue hypoperfusion in septic patients
  37. Trapezius Contracture and Loss of Strength
  38. Secondary Adrenocortical Insufficiency as a Result of Chronic Fentanyl Treatment: A Case Report
  39. Hematoma de úvula como síntoma guía de síndrome mielodisplásico
  40. Lesión cutánea como primer signo de una neoplasia pulmonar
  41. Melatonin's role as a co-adjuvant treatment in colonic diseases: A review
  42. Transient headache and neurological deficits with cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytosis (Handl Syndrome): A case report
  43. Disección aneurismática del tronco celíaco, una entidad infrecuente
  44. Diagnosis Bias and its Revelance During the Diagnosis Process
  45. The Plane Headache: A Frequent but Little Known Entity
  46. Diagnóstico diferencial de la dorsalgia crónica: a propósito de 2 casos
  47. Anamnesis y su relevancia, a propósito de un caso: isquemia arterial por aneurisma poplíteo
  48. Deformidad de pie en paciente diabético. Fractura-luxación de Lisfranc: a propósito de un caso
  49. Melatonin and organ transplantation
  50. Contractura del trapecio y pérdida de fuerza en una mujer joven
  51. Melatonin role preventing steatohepatitis and improving liver transplantation results
  52. Melatonin’s role in preventing toxin-related and sepsis-mediated hepatic damage: A review
  53. Skin Lesion as the First Sign of Pulmonary Neoplasia: A Report of 2 Cases
  54. La cefalea del avión: una entidad poco conocida pero frecuente
  55. Incidence, Epidemiology and Etiology of Injuries, in a Spanish Amateur Football Club
  56. Melatonin as a Potent and Inducible Endogenous Antioxidant: Synthesis and Metabolism