All Stories

  1. Anticoagulation in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a decision analysis
  2. Exercise pulmonary haemodynamic response predicts outcomes in fibrotic lung disease
  3. A case of cardiac arrest in a 70-year-old woman whose initial presentation was diarrhea
  4. Endotracheal Tube Obstruction Due to Aspirated Foreign Bodies
  5. Decreases in Mixed Venous Blood O2 Saturation in Cardiac Surgery Patients Following Extubation
  6. Pressure ratio between left and right ventricles predicts outcomes in pulmonary hypertension
  7. Combination targeted pulmonary arterial hypertension therapy helped fully resolve drug-induced PAH
  8. This is an unusual case of drug-induced lupus with pleural and pericardial involvement from TMP/SMX