All Stories

  1. Supporting LGBTIQ+ students in higher education in Australia: Diversity, inclusion and visibility
  2. LGBTIQ Students' Experiences of University
  3. Using Volunteers to Enhance Accountability of Prisons
  4. Increasing understanding of anti-social behaviour against LGBT youth
  5. Undertaking research with minority and vulnerable populations
  6. Catherine D Marcum and Tammy L Castle (Eds), Sex in prison: Myths and realitiesMarcumCatherine D and CastleTammy L (Eds), Sex in prison: Myths and realities. Lynne Rienner Publishers: Boulder, CO, 2014; 191 pp. ISBN 978-1-62637-030-2, $55.00 USD
  7. How the argument in favour of the Northern Territory Intervention was constructed.
  8. Andrew Ashworth and Julian V. Roberts, Sentencing guidelines: Exploring the English modelAshworthAndrew and RobertsJulian V., Sentencing guidelines: Exploring the English model, Oxford University Press: Oxford, England, 2013; 320 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-9684...
  9. Consent in Sexual Offences
  10. The European Court of Human Rights and Incest
  11. The Synthetic Necessary Truth Behind New Labour’s Criminalisation of Incest
  12. Lifting the Veil on Incest: The Historical Development of the Offence
  13. Consent in Sexual Offences