All Stories

  1. ‘Bringing in Those Who Are Far’: Jewish Sociology and the Reconstruction of Jewish Life in Post-War Europe
  2. Amsterdamse joden in de ban - Tsila Rädecker, Schuld en boete in joods Amsterdam. Kerktucht bij de Hoogduitse joodse gemeente, 1737-1764 (Menasseh ben Israel Instituut; Amsterdam 2012) 75 p., ill., krt., €6,- ISBN 9789081586061
  3. Sober, Strict, and Scriptural: Collective Memories of John Calvin, 1800-2000
  4. Introduction: Calvin, History, And Memory
  5. Ongoing History
  6. Dutch national identity and jewish international solidarity: An impossible combination? Dutch Jewry and the significance of the Damascus affair (1840)
  7. A Sun that Lost its Shine: The Reformation in Dutch Protestant Memory Culture, 1817-1917
  8. Dutch History from a Jewish Perspective
  9. Dutch History from a Jewish Perspective
  10. “End of the jargon-scandal” – The decline and fall of Yiddish in the Netherlands (1796–1886)
  11. Political Participation of Dutch Jews in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, 1814-1848
  12. Holland: 17th-18th Centuries
  13. Political Participation of Dutch Jews in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, 1814–1848