All Stories

  1. Seremetakis, C. Nadia. 2019. Sensing the everyday. Dialogues from austerity Greece. London: Routledge. 249 pp. Pb.: £27.99. ISBN: 9780367187767.
  2. Taste and memory in action
  3. acclaimed publication
  4. Implications
  5. experimental ethnography, multi sited inquiry
  6. a history of anthropology / anthropology beyond its birth places
  7. on nature and physical disasters / public anthropology/ cultural management
  8. issues on cultural translation /use and misuse of key anthropological terms
  9. dreams and (anti)Cartesianism
  10. on academic violence
  11. small street memorials in urban settings / tokens of memory outside of institutional culture
  12. on massive immigration then and now/ Greek borders
  13. Border echoes
  14. Ethnopoetic dialogues
  15. On board/on border
  16. Touch and taste
  17. Dialogue/the dialogical
  18. Death Drives in the City, Or On A Third-Stream Anamnesis
  19. A Little Grave[photograph]
  20. Divination, media, and the networked body of modernity
  21. On Madia Seremetakis
  23. Identities in Pain
  24. In Search of the Barbarians: Borders in Pain
  25. on women's studies then and now
  26. The Memory of the Senses: Historical Perception, Commensal Exchange and Modernity
  27. review of THE LAST WORD by Seremetakis, University of Chicago Press
  28. Contested Identities: Gender and Kinship in Modern Greece . PETER LOIZOS and EVTHYMIOS PAPATAXIARCHIS
  29. The Ethics of Antiphony: The Social Construction of Pain, Gender, and Power in the Southern Peloponnese
  30. : The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village . Michael Herzfeld.