All Stories

  1. Scaling Analysis of Pier-Scouring Processes
  2. Comparison of Sediment-Pickup Rates over Plane Bed and Dunes
  3. Propeller Jet–Induced Suspended-Sediment Concentration
  4. Estimate of Sediment Pickup Rate with the Densimetric Froude Number
  5. Deviation of permeable coarse-grained boundary resistance from Nikuradse's observations
  6. Representative Grain Size and Equivalent Roughness Height of a Sediment Bed
  7. Single-Layer Model for Average Flow Velocity with Submerged Rigid Cylinders
  8. Incompressible SPH simulation of open channel flow over smooth bed
  9. Measurements of sediment pickup rate over dune-covered bed
  10. Erratum for “Scour Caused by a Propeller Jet” by Jian-Hao Hong, Yee-Meng Chiew, and Nian-Sheng Cheng
  11. Resistance Coefficients for Artificial and Natural Coarse-Bed Channels: Alternative Approach for Large-Scale Roughness
  12. Application of pseudo-fluid approximation to evaluation of flow velocity through gravel beds
  13. Experimental study of free-surface fluctuations in open-channel flow in the presence of periodic cylinder arrays
  14. Average Velocity of Solitary Coarse Grain in Flows over Smooth and Rough Beds
  15. Slope Correction for Calculation of Bedload Sediment Transport Rates in Steep Channels
  16. Measurements of Fluctuation in Drag Acting on Rigid Cylinder Array in Open Channel Flow
  17. Scour Caused by a Propeller Jet
  18. Calculation of Drag Coefficient for Arrays of Emergent Circular Cylinders with Pseudofluid Model
  19. Flow Resistance in Smooth Rectangular Open Channels with Low Aspect Ratios
  20. A single-camera technique for simultaneous measurement of large solid particles transported in rapid shallow channel flows
  21. Scaling of Velocity Profiles for Depth-Limited Open Channel Flows over Simulated Rigid Vegetation
  22. Source term treatment of SWEs using surface gradient upwind method
  23. Scaling law for velocity profiles of surface granular flows observed in rotating cylinders
  24. Closure to “Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Smooth Rectangular Open Channels with Modified Prandtl Friction Law” by Nian-Sheng Cheng, Hoai Thanh Nguyen, Kuifeng Zhao, and Xiaonan Tang
  25. Discussion of “Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Smooth Rectangular Open Channels with Modified Prandtl Friction Law” by Nian-Sheng Cheng, Hoai Thanh Nguyen, Kuifeng Zhao, and Xiaonan Tang
  26. Revisited Vanoni-Brooks sidewall correction
  27. Application of Incomplete Self-Similarity Argument for Predicting Bed-Material Load Discharge
  28. Hydraulic Radius for Evaluating Resistance Induced by Simulated Emergent Vegetation in Open-Channel Flows
  29. Representative roughness height of submerged vegetation
  30. Wall effect on pressure drop in packed beds
  31. Application of incomplete similarity theory for estimating maximum shear layer thickness of granular flows in rotating drums
  32. Evaluation of Flow Resistance in Smooth Rectangular Open Channels with Modified Prandtl Friction Law
  33. Experimental investigation of single particle settling in turbulence generated by oscillating grid
  34. Comparison of formulas for drag coefficient and settling velocity of spherical particles
  35. Formulas for Friction Factor in Transitional Regimes
  36. Comparison of quadratic and power law for nonlinear flow through porous media
  37. Comparison of Settling-Velocity-Based Formulas for Threshold of Sediment Motion
  38. Review of seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow and sediment entrainment
  39. Formula for the Viscosity of a Glycerol−Water Mixture
  40. A simple relationship for crenulate-shaped bay in static equilibrium
  41. Power-law index for velocity profiles in open channel flows
  42. Oscillating-grid turbulence and its applications: a review/ Turbulence de grille oscillante et ses applications: une revue
  43. Time-mean structure of secondary flows in open channel with longitudinal bedforms
  44. Influence of shear stress fluctuation on bed particle mobility
  45. Comparisons of Sidewall Correction of Bed Shear Stress in Open-Channel Flows
  46. Secondary flows over artificial bed strips
  47. Reynolds Stress in Open Channel Flow with Upward Seepage
  48. Two-Phase Analysis of Vertical Sediment-Laden Jets
  49. Analysis of bedload transport in laminar flows
  50. Analysis of Velocity Lag in Sediment-Laden Open Channel Flows
  51. Closure to “Exponential Formula for Bedload Transport” by Nian-Sheng Cheng
  52. Discussion of “Exponential Formula for Bedload Transport” by Nian-Sheng Cheng
  53. Evaluation of bed load transport subject to high shear stress fluctuations
  54. Settling Distance and Incipient Motion of Sandbags in Open Channel Flows
  55. Two-phase modeling of suspended sediment distribution in open channel flows
  56. Two-phase modeling of suspended sediment distribution in open channel flows/ Modélisation diphasique de la distribution de sédiments en suspension dans un écoulement à surface libre
  57. Investigation of bed shear stresses subject to external turbulence
  58. Computation of transcritical steady flow over a curved bed with lateral contraction
  59. A diffusive model for evaluating thickness of bedload layer
  60. Application of Ergun Equation to Computation of Critical Shear Velocity Subject to Seepage
  61. Probability distribution of bed particle instability
  62. Discussion of “Two-Phase Flow Analysis of Concentration Profiles” by Blair P. Greimann and Forrest M. Holly Jr.
  63. Exponential formula for computing effective viscosity
  64. Fluctuations of Turbulent Bed Shear Stress
  65. Exponential Formula for Bedload Transport
  66. Discussion of “The Fall‐Velocity Equation” by Nian‐Sheng Cheng
  67. A Fall-Velocity Equation
  68. Measurements of Turbulence Generated by Oscillating Grid
  69. Oil Transport in Surf Zone
  70. Incipient sediment motion with upward seepage
  71. Discussion and Closure: Prediction of Live-Bed Scour at Bridge Abutments
  72. Analysis of Initiation of Sediment Suspension from Bed Load
  73. Discussions and Closure: Pickup Probability for Sediment Entrainment
  74. Closure to “Effect of Concentration on Settling Velocity of Sediment Particles” by Nian-Sheng Cheng
  75. Discussion of “Effect of Concentration on Settling Velocity of Sediment Particles” by Nian-Sheng Cheng
  76. Closure to “Prediction of Live-Bed Scour at Bridge Abutments” by Siow-Yong Lim and Nian-Sheng Cheng
  77. Pickup Probability for Sediment Entrainment
  78. Modified Logarithmic Law for Velocity Distribution Subjected to Upward Seepage
  79. Scouring in Long Contractions
  80. Prediction of Live-Bed Scour at Bridge Abutments
  81. Discussions and Closure: Simplified Settling Velocity Formula for Sediment Particle
  82. Turbulent open-channel flow with upward seepage
  83. Pickup Probability for Sediment Entrainment
  84. Closure to “Simplified Settling Velocity Formula for Sediment Particle” by Nian-Sheng Cheng
  85. Effect of Concentration on Settling Velocity of Sediment Particles
  86. Simplified Settling Velocity Formula for Sediment Particle