All Stories

  1. Contrasting characters of quick methods to measure respiratory rate in a clinical setting
  2. Duloxetine, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, may be a double-edged sword for patients with advanced Parkinson's disease
  3. Therapeutic Dose of Amitriptyline for Older Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome
  4. Acute psychosis secondary to atypical Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis
  5. Aging is independently associated with an increasing normal respiratory rate among an older adult population in a clinical setting: A cross‐sectional study
  6. Primary prevention of Clostridioides difficile infection with combination probiotics
  7. Recurrence of eosinophilic pneumonia after clozapine treatment
  8. Duloxetine and Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker Combination Potentially Induce Severe Hyponatremia in an Elderly Woman
  9. A Comparison of Methods to Count Breathing Frequency
  10. Letter to the Editor on ‘PCR as a Diagnostic Tool for Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis’
  11. Is primary prevention of Clostridioides difficile infection possible with combination probiotics in elderly orthopedic patients?
  12. Correspondence: ‘Influenza as a Cause of SIADH Related Hyponatremia’
  13. Combination probiotics may prevent Clostridium difficile infection among elderly patients undergoing an orthopedic surgery
  14. Burning mouth syndrome: The challenge of an aging population
  15. Serum electrolyte levels may be associated with prefrontal hemodynamic responses in near infrared spectroscopy
  16. An increase in salivary flow with amitriptyline may indicate treatment resistance in burning mouth syndrome
  17. Serum prolactin levels are associated with prefrontal hemodynamic responses using near-infrared spectroscopy in male psychotic patients treated with antipsychotics
  18. Serum prolactin levels might become a useful marker for switching strategy to paliperidone palmitate in male schizophrenia patient
  19. 4G-β-D-galactosylsucrose as a prebiotics may improve underweight in inpatients with schizophrenia
  20. The QTc shortening with amitriptyline may indicate treatment resistance in chronic nonorganic orofacial pain
  21. Adrenaline reversal may be an unwarranted distraction during emergency cardiovascular care for patients treated with antipsychotics
  22. Responsibility of the doctor who prescribes serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
  23. Suvorexant as an orexin antagonist may regulate serum glucose levels in psychiatric patients with insomnia
  24. Carnitine may prevent health problems in hyperprolactinemia
  25. antipsychotic-induced hypoglycemia
  26. Iron Depletion Affects Dopamine Neurotransmissions
  27. Cerebral edema secondary to psychogenic polydipsia induced by tandospirone as add-on to olanzapine therapy
  28. Does olanzapine impair pancreatic beta-cell function directly?
  29. Olanzapine-induced severe hyperglycemia was completely reversed by the restoration of insulin secretion after switching to aripiprazole and initiating insulin therapy
  30. Erratum: Riwa Ozasa, Tetsuya Okada, Satomi Nadanaka, Takahiko Nagamine, Alisha Zyryanova, Heather Harding, David Ron, Kazutoshi Mori (2013) The Antipsychotic Olanzapine Induces Apoptosis in Insulin-secreting Pancreatic ^|^beta; Cells by Blocking PERK-m...
  31. Lithium Intoxication Associated with Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers in Women
  32. Metabolic Effects of Sodium Valproate on Atypical Antipsychotics in Japanese Psychotic Patients
  33. Antipsychotic-induced hyperthermia in patients with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
  34. Are psychotropic drugs involved in gallstone-induced acute abdomen in inpatients with schizophrenia?
  35. Carnitine Deficiency and Severe Hypoglycemia Associated with Valproic Acid
  36. Duloxetine-induced Hyponatremia in the Elderly
  37. Hypoprolactinemia and Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Male Schizophrenia or Psychotic Affective Disorder Patients Treated with Aripiprazole
  38. Metabolic Effects of Valproic Acid Augmentation in Male Schizophrenic Patients
  39. Are combination therapies with aripiprazole and other antipsychotics pharmacologically rational?
  40. What does antipsychotic-associated hypoprolactinemia mean in patients with chronic schizophrenia?
  41. Abnormal laboratory values during the acute and recovery phases in schizophrenic patients: a retrospective study
  42. Severe Hyperglycemia Induced by Olanzapine was Improved with a Recovery of Insulin Secretion after Switching to Risperidone and Introducing Insulin Therapy
  43. Olanzapine-induced Elevation of Serum Triglyceride Levels in a Normal Weight Patient with Schizophrenia
  44. Direct metabolic effects of risperidone and olanzapine in Japanese schizophrenic patients
  45. Hypoglycemia associated with insulin hypersecretion following the addition of olanzapine to conventional antipsychotics
  46. Attitudes toward death in rural areas of Japan