All Stories

  1. Targeting the Fetal Body and/or Mother–Child Connection: Vital Conflicts and Abortion
  2. Addressing Unjust Laws Without Complicity: Selective Bans Versus Regulation
  3. Vital Conflicts, Bodily Respect, and Conjoined Twins: Are We Asking the Right Questions?
  4. Abortion for life-limiting foetal anomaly: Beneficial when and for whom?
  5. Ethical aspects of childbearing and abortion
  6. Life and Health: A Value in Itself for Human Beings?
  7. Ancestor embryos: embryonic gametes and genetic parenthood
  8. Cooperation and Immoral Laws
  9. Bodily Invasions
  10. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Choosing the “Good Enough” Child
  11. Beyond Double Effect: Side-Effects and Bodily Harm
  12. Female ensoulment: late but durable