All Stories

  1. Ecological footprint accounting of mining areas and metal production of the world
  2. Global Maritime Container Shipping Networks 1969–1981: Emergence of Container Shipping and Reopening of the Suez Canal
  3. Exploring the Potential of Internet News for Supply Risk Assessment of Metals
  4. Product obsolescence and its relationship with product lifetime: An empirical case study of consumer appliances in Japan
  5. Potential Impact of Consumer Intention on Generation of Waste Photovoltaic Panels: A Case Study for Tokyo
  6. Global-scale impact analysis of mine tailings dam failures: 1915–2020
  7. Exploring carbon footprint reduction pathways through urban lifestyle changes: a practical approach applied to Japanese cities
  8. Designing a Resilient International Reverse Logistics Network for Material Cycles: A Japanese Case Study
  9. Estimating the total in-use stock of Laos using dynamic material flow analysis and nighttime light
  10. Total environmental impacts of Japanese material production
  11. Ecological footprint and total material requirement as environmental indicators of mining activities: Case studies of copper mines
  12. Accounting for Water Footprint of an Open-Pit Copper Mine
  13. Integrating remote sensing and life cycle assessment to quantify the environmental impacts of copper-silver-gold mining: A case study from Laos
  14. Life Cycle Assessment of Resource Recovery from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment: A Case Study of Tantalum Recovery by Chain-Using Drum-Typed Impact Mill
  15. EcoBalance 2018—Nexus of ideas: innovation by linking through life cycle thinking (9–12 October 2018, Tokyo, Japan)
  16. Effects of a new supply chain decomposition framework on the material life cycle greenhouse gas emissions—the Japanese case
  17. Energy modeling approach to the global energy-mineral nexus: Exploring metal requirements and the well-below 2 °C target with 100 percent renewable energy
  18. Investigation and evaluation of the detachment of printed circuit boards from waste appliances for effective recycling
  19. Variation and changes in land-use intensities behind nickel mining: Coupling operational and satellite data
  20. A Comprehensive Material Flow Account for Lao PDR to Inform Environmental and Sustainability Policy
  21. Environmental Impact Assessment of Wood Use in Japan through 2050 Using Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment
  22. Energy modeling approach to the global energy-mineral nexus: A first look at metal requirements and the 2 °C target
  23. Energy modeling approach to the global energy-mineral nexus: A case of fuel cell vehicle
  24. Improving the knowledge base on material flow analysis for Asian developing countries: A case study of Lao PDR
  25. Long-term demand and supply of non-ferrous mineral resources by a mineral balance model
  26. Global Energy-mineral Nexus by Systems Analysis Approaches
  27. Novel Indicators for the Quantification of Resilience in Critical Material Supply Chains, with a 2010 Rare Earth Crisis Case Study
  28. Uncertainty in Lifespan Estimation and its Potential Impacts on our Social System
  29. Problems in Japan’s governance system related to end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment trade
  30. Ship Breaking and the Steel Industry in Bangladesh
  31. Estimating land transformation area caused by nickel mining considering regional variation
  32. Framework for Resilience in Material Supply Chains, With a Case Study from the 2010 Rare Earth Crisis
  33. Comparative studies on the driving factors of resource flows in Myanmar, the Philippines, and Bangladesh
  34. EcoBalance 2014: creating benefit through life cycle thinking
  35. Characterization of ship breaking industry in Bangladesh
  36. Global supply chain analysis of nickel: importance and possibility of controlling the resource logistics
  37. Current status of municipal solid waste management system in Chittagong, Bangladesh
  38. A Model for Prediction of Neutralizer Usage and Sludge Generation in the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage from Abandoned Mines: Case Studies in Japan
  39. A preliminary categorization of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment as secondary metal resources
  40. 9th International Conference on EcoBalance (9th ICEB)—towards and beyond 2020, November 9–12, 2010, Tokyo, Japan
  41. Lifespan of Commodities, Part I
  42. Lifespan of Commodities, Part II
  43. A database and characterization of existing lifespan information of electrical and electronic equipment
  44. Novel Evaluation Method of Elemental Recyclability from Urban Mine
  45. Novel Evaluation Method of Elemental Recyclability from Urban Mine —Concept of Urban Ore TMR—
  46. What Factors Have Changed Japanese Resource Productivity?
  47. Hybrid Input−Output Approach to Metal Production and Its Application to the Introduction of Lead-Free Solders
  48. Current status and research on E-waste issues in Asia
  49. Material flows of end-of-life home appliances in Japan
  50. Material Flow Accounting for Metals in Japan