All Stories

  1. Emotions and Affective Polarization: How Enthusiasm and Anxiety About Presidential Candidates Affect Interparty Attitudes
  2. Counter-stereotyped protagonists and stereotyped supporting casts: Identification with black characters and symbolic racism
  3. Becoming a Presidential Candidate: Social Media Following and Politician Identification
  4. Tales of conflict: narrative immersion and political aggression in the United States
  5. The political world within: how citizens process and experience political narratives
  6. React to the future: political visualization, emotional reactions and political behavior
  7. Commitment to the Team
  8. Imagined Politics: How Different Media Platforms Transport Citizens Into Political Narratives
  9. Political Fiction
  10. Elite Cues, News Coverage, and Partisan Support for Compromise
  11. Cueing God: Religious Cues and Voter Support