All Stories

  1. Counter-cyclic merge as a last resort for adjuncts
  2. Introduction
  3. Speaker-oriented attitude datives as authority indexicals
  4. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXI
  5. Introduction
  6. Cyclic Spell-Out Derived Agreement in Arabic Raising Constructions
  7. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVIII
  8. Possessively Construed Attitude Dative Constructions in Lebanese Arabic
  9. Attitude datives in Lebanese Arabic and the interplay of syntax and pragmatics
  10. Pronouns and intersubjectivity in Lebanese Arabic gossip
  11. A non-stranding approach to resumption: Evidence from South Asia
  12. Copy Control in Telugu
  13. Subject Anaphors: Exempt or Not Exempt?
  14. Chapter 8. The merge condition on adjuncts