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  1. Tau, XMAP215/Msps and Eb1 co-operate interdependently to regulate microtubule polymerisation and bundle formation in axons
  2. Cytoskeletal organization of axons in vertebrates and invertebrates
  3. Efa6 protects axons and regulates their growth and branching by inhibiting microtubule polymerisation at the cortex
  4. The model of local axon homeostasis - explaining the role and regulation of microtubule bundles in axon maintenance and pathology
  5. Curvature-Sensitive Kinesin Binding Can Explain Microtubule Ring Formation and Reveals Chaotic Dynamics in a Mathematical Model
  6. Advocating developmental biology
  7. Drosophila Short stop as a paradigm for the role and regulation of spectraplakins
  8. Tau and spectraplakins promote synapse formation and maintenance through Jun kinase and neuronal trafficking
  9. A conceptual view at microtubule plus end dynamics in neuronal axons
  10. Not Communicating science? Aiming for national impact
  11. Periodic actin structures in neuronal axons are required to maintain microtubules
  12. How to develop objective-driven comprehensive science outreach initiatives aiming at multiple audiences
  13. A Novel Electronic Assessment Strategy to Support Applied Drosophila Genetics Training in University Courses
  14. Prominent Actin Fiber Arrays in Drosophila Tendon Cells Represent Architectural Elements Different from Stress Fibers
  15. Compartmentalization of Central Neurons inDrosophila: A New Strategy of Mosaic Analysis Reveals Localization of Presynaptic Sites to Specific Segments of Neurites