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  1. Global vs local brands: how home country bias and price differences impact brand evaluations
  2. Cross-linguistic validation of a unidimensional scale for cosmopolitanism
  3. Pro-environmental behaviors for thee but not for me: Green giants, green Gods, and external environmental locus of control
  4. Globalization, culture, religion, and values: Comparing consumption patterns of Lebanese Muslims and Christians
  5. “It's not Easy Being Green”: Exploring Green Creeds, Green Deeds, and Internal Environmental Locus of Control
  6. Cosmopolitanism, individual-level values and cultural-level values: A cross-cultural study
  7. Ethnic Identity's Relationship to Materialism and Consumer Ethnocentrism: Contrasting Consumers in Developed and Emerging Economies
  8. Identity, demographics, and consumer behaviors
  9. Migration and materialism: The roles of ethnic identity, religiosity, and generation
  10. Acculturation and consumption: Textures of cultural adaptation
  11. Cosmopolitanism, Consumer Ethnocentrism, and Materialism: An Eight-Country Study of Antecedents and Outcomes
  12. Acculturaton to the global consumer culture: Scale development and research paradigm
  13. The critical role of congruency in prototypical brand extensions
  14. “I” versus “we”
  15. Shades of green: linking environmental locus of control and pro‐environmental behaviors
  16. Service Quality Perceptions and Customer Satisfaction: Evaluating the Role of Culture
  17. Exploring age-related differences in information acquisition for a gift purchase
  18. In-Store Information Search Effort Questionnaire
  19. Measure of Factors Affecting Consumer Information Search Behavior
  20. The Knowledge‐Experience‐Evaluation Relationship: A Structural Equations Modeling Test of Gender Differences
  21. Information search patterns for gift purchases: a cross‐national examination of gender differences
  22. Christmas Gift Search Behaviors
  23. Gender differences in information search strategies for a Christmas gift
  24. Déterminants of In‐store Information Search Stratégies Pertaining to a Christmas Gift Purchase