All Stories

  1. Intercostal, ilioinguinal, and iliohypogastric nerve transfers for lower limb reinnervation after spinal cord injury: an anatomical feasibility and experimental study
  2. Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate in Nerve and Spinal Cord Injury
  3. Management of Osteoarthritis
  4. Uses in Spine Surgery
  5. Surgical treatment of medial patellofemoral ligament injuries achieves better outcomes than conservative management in patients with primary patellar dislocation: a meta-analysis
  6. Nerve Transfer Versus Nerve Graft for Reconstruction of High Ulnar Nerve Injuries
  7. Inverted Femoral Head Graft versus Standard Core Decompression in Nontraumatic Hip Osteonecrosis at Minimum 3 Years Follow-up
  8. Early management of neurologic clubfoot using Ponseti casting with minor posterior release in myelomeningocele
  9. Useful Functional Outcome Can Be Achieved After Motor Nerve Transfers in Management of the Paralytic Hand. An Observational Study
  10. The underused hip in ipsilaterally orthotics-dependent children