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  1. Deficits in the Use of Verb Bias Information in Real-Time Processing by College Students With Developmental Language Disorder
  2. Cultural influences on the developing semantic lexicon
  3. Erratum
  4. Erratum
  5. Distributional Learning in College Students With Developmental Language Disorder
  6. Encoding Deficits Impede Word Learning and Memory in Adults With Developmental Language Disorders
  7. Weaknesses in Lexical-Semantic Knowledge Among College Students With Specific Learning Disabilities: Evidence From a Semantic Fluency Task
  8. Are Young Children With Cochlear Implants Sensitive to the Statistics of Words in the Ambient Spoken Language?
  9. List Memory in Young Adults With Language Learning Disability
  10. What a Difference a Day Makes: Change in Memory for Newly Learned Word Forms Over 24 Hours
  11. Why Words Are Hard for Adults With Developmental Language Impairments
  12. Word Learning Processes in Children With Cochlear Implants
  13. Noise Hampers Children’s Expressive Word Learning
  14. The Speech Intelligibility Index and the Pure-Tone Average as Predictors of Lexical Ability in Children Fit With Hearing Aids
  15. Miranda Rights Comprehension in Young Adults With Specific Language Impairment
  16. Vocabulary and Working Memory in Children Fit With Hearing Aids
  17. How Children With Autism Extend New Words
  18. Object and Action Naming in Children With Specific Language Impairment