All Stories

  1. Prediction of Broadband Blade-Wake Back-Scatter Noise from a Hovering Ideally Twisted Rotor using OVERFLOW2-ANOPP2
  2. Prediction-Based Approaches for Generation of Noise-Power-Distance Data with Application to Urban Air Mobility Vehicles
  3. Acoustic and Performance Characteristics of an Ideally Twisted Rotor in Hover
  4. Physics-Informed Broadband Noise Source Identification and Prediction of an Ideally Twisted Rotor
  5. Toward Adjoint-Based Aeroacoustic Optimization for Propeller and Rotorcraft Applications
  6. Robust Acoustic Objective Functions and Sensitivities in Adjoint-Based Design Optimizations
  7. Gradient-Based Propeller Optimization with Acoustic Constraints
  8. Compact Assumption Applied to Monopole Term of Farassat’s Formulations
  9. A Requirements-Driven Optimization Method for Acoustic Liners using Analytic Derivatives
  10. Robust Acoustic Objective Functions and Sensitivities in Adjoint-Based Design Optimizations
  11. Compact Assumption Applied to the Monopole Term of Farassat's Formulation
  12. Variability in the Propagation Phase of CFD-Based Noise Prediction: Summary of Results from Category 8 of the BANC-III Workshop
  13. Auralization of Hybrid Wing–Body Aircraft Flyover Noise from System Noise Predictions
  14. Noise Scaling and Community Noise Metrics for the Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft
  15. System Noise Assessment and the Potential for Low Noise Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft with Open Rotor Propulsion
  16. Open Rotor Tone Shielding Methods for System Noise Assessments Using Multiple Databases