All Stories

  1. Innovative treatment for pes cavovarus: a pilot study of 13 children
  2. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma in children
  3. G22(P) Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma revisited
  4. Retrograde Percutaneous Drilling for Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Head of the Talus: Case Report and Review of the Literature
  5. Arthroscopie de la hanche pour arthrite septique chez l’enfant
  6. Arthroscopy for hip septic arthritis in children
  7. Histological differences between various methods of hemiepiphysiodesis
  8. Rebound growth after hemiepiphysiodesis: An animal-based experimental study of incidence and chronology
  9. Upper Thoracic Pedicle Screws Loss of Fixation Causing Spinal Cord Injury
  10. Resultados postoperatorios inmediatos y a largo plazo de un abordaje mini-invasivo para la corrección de escoliosis idiopática del adolescente
  11. Guided Growth
  12. Screw length in the guided growth method
  13. Aortic Abutment After Direct Vertebral Rotation
  14. Vertebral Coplanar Alignment
  15. Bone Scan as a Screening Tool in Children and Adolescents With Back Pain