All Stories

  1. Toward a better visual inspection of products
  2. Syntactic texture and perception for a new generic visual anomalies classification
  3. qualta
  4. How to carry out visual inspection more efficiently and more effectively: the characterisation and evaluation of aesthetic anomalies
  5. The visual inspection of product surfaces
  6. Gage R2&E2: an effective tool to improve the visual control of products
  7. Measurement of the perceived quality of a product
  8. Visual inspection of products: a comparison of the methods used to evaluate surface anomalies
  9. Benchmarking: methods and tools for SME
  10. How to sustain improvement at high level
  11. A typology of “best practices” for a benchmarking process
  12. A model of characterization of the performance for a process of benchmarking
  13. La coopération dans un processus de réferenciation (benchmarking)
  14. Benchmarking process formalization and a case study
  15. To Evaluate and to Improve the Performances of the Enterprise: a Franco-Swiss Benchmarking Project