All Stories

  1. Speech Disorders in Children With Pompe Disease: Articulation, Resonance, and Voice Measures
  2. Exploring the Acoustic Perceptual Relationship of Speech in Parkinson's Disease
  3. Promoting Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Speech Science Courses
  4. Predicting Intelligibility Deficits in Parkinson's Disease With Perceptual Speech Ratings
  5. Slinky ® Speech Science
  6. Phoneme sequence recognition via DTW-based classification
  7. Muscle weakness and speech
  8. Perception of Dynamic Properties of Speech: Peripheral and Central Processes
  9. Is Tongue Strength an Important Influence on Rate of Articulation in Diadochokinetic and Reading Tasks?
  10. Swallow Characteristics in Patients With Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy
  11. Using Acoustic Phonetics in Clinical Practice
  12. Formant detail needed for vowel identification
  13. Speech sample type and children’s segmental durations