All Stories

  1. Inequality in history: A long‐run view
  2. Income and inequality in the Aztec Empire on the eve of the Spanish conquest
  3. Pandemics and socio-economic status. Evidence from the plague of 1630 in northern Italy
  4. A step forward toward solving the main mysteries in the history of plague?
  5. Wealth inequality in pre‐industrial England: A long‐term view (late thirteenth to sixteenth centuries)
  6. Epidemics, Inequality, and Poverty in Preindustrial and Early Industrial Times
  7. Economic Inequality in Preindustrial Germany, ca. 1300–1850
  8. The growing number of given names as a clue to the beginning of the demographic transition in Europe
  9. Economic Inequality in Preindustrial Times: Europe and Beyond
  10. Epidemics and trust: The case of the Spanish Flu
  11. Economic inequality in preindustrial Europe, 1300-1800: methods and results from the EINITE project
  12. Plague and long‐term development: the lasting effects of the 1629–30 epidemic on the Italian cities
  13. The Lion's Share
  14. Income Inequality in French West Africa: Building Social Tables for Pre-Independence Senegal and Ivory Coast
  15. Giniinc: A Stata Package for Measuring Inequality from Incomplete Income and Survival Data
  16. The timing and causes of famines in Europe
  17. A survival analysis of the last great European plagues: The case of Nonantola (Northern Italy) in 1630
  18. La peste : bref état des connaissances actuelles
  19. Famine in European History
  20. Long‐term trends in economic inequality: the case of the Florentine state, c. 1300–1800
  21. First signs of transition: The parallel decline of early baptism and early mortality in the province of Padua (northeast Italy), 1816‒1870
  22. Plague and Lethal Epidemics in the Pre-Industrial World
  23. Las familias y la elección de padrinos y madrinas de bautizo en la Europa católica en la Edad Moderna. Balance y perspectivas de investigación
  24. The rich in historical perspective: evidence for preindustrial Europe (ca. 1300–1800)
  25. Growing apart in early modern Europe? A comparison of inequality trends in Italy and the Low Countries, 1500–1800
  26. Daniel R. Curtis, Coping with Crisis. The Resilience and Vulnerability of Pre-Industrial Settlements (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014). Pages xix + 381. £72.00 hardback.
  27. La mesure du lien familial : développement et diversification d’un champ de recherches
  28. Economic Inequality in Northwestern Italy: A Long-Term View (Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries)
  29. Estimating Sampling Selection Bias in Human Genetics: A Phenomenological Approach
  30. Consequences of a universal European demographic transition on regional and global population distributions
  31. Plague in seventeenth-century Europe and the decline of Italy: an epidemiological hypothesis
  32. Social Customs and Demographic Change: The Case of Godparenthood in Catholic Europe
  33. Spiritual Kinship in Europe, 1500–1900
  34. Entrepreneurs, formalization of social ties, and trustbuilding in Europe (fourteenth to twentieth centuries)1
  35. La famine de 1590 en Italie du Nord. Une analyse de la plus grande « crise systémique » du XVIe siècle
  36. Climate, population and famine in Northern Italy: General Tendencies and Malthusian Crisis, ca. 1450-1800
  37. Wealth Inequalities and Population Dynamics in Early Modern Northern Italy
  38. The effects of plague on the distribution of property: Ivrea, Northern Italy 1630
  39. Fêtes du baptême et publicité des réseaux sociaux en Europe occidentale
  40. Households and Plague in Early Modern Italy
  41. Court History and Career Analysis: A Prosopographic Approach to the Court of Renaissance Ferrara
  42. Population and environment in Northern Italy during the sixteenth century
  43. La famille spirituelle des prêtres en Italie septentrionale avant et après le Concile de Trente : caractéristiques et transformations d'un instrument d'intégration sociale
  44. Spiritual kinship and godparenthood