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  1. Forest‐derived liming by‐products: Potential benefits to remediate soil acidity and increase soil fertility
  2. Validation and use of critical phosphorus concentration in maize
  3. Nitrogen and phosphorus release from paper mill biosolids as affected by material source and soil type under controlled incubation
  4. Soil Phosphorus Fractionation as Affected by Paper Mill Biosolids Applied to Soils of Contrasting Properties
  5. Agronomic and Economic Benefits of Rotating Corn with Soybean and Spring Wheat under Different Tillage in Eastern Canada
  6. Nitrogen Nutrition Indicators in Corn Fertilized with Different Urea‐Nitrogen Forms
  7. Urea-Based Fertilizer as an Efficient Nitrogen Source in Perennial Cool-Grass Forage Production
  8. The use of isometric log ratios to classify phosphorus attributes in composts
  9. Prediction of total carbon, total nitrogen and pH of organic materials using visible near infrared reflectance spectroscopy
  10. Achieving Lower Nitrogen Balance and Higher Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency Reduces Nitrous Oxide Emissions in North America's Maize Cropping Systems
  11. Visible near infrared reflectance spectroscopy prediction of soil heavy metal concentrations in paper mill biosolid- and liming by-product-amended agricultural soils
  12. Residual effects of paper mill biosolids and liming materials on soil microbial biomass and community structure
  13. Soil CO2 emission in N-fertilized corn
  14. Long-term tillage and synthetic fertilization affect soil functioning and crop yields in a corn–soybean rotation in eastern Canada
  15. Repeated Annual Paper Mill and Alkaline Residuals Application Affects Soil Metal Fractions
  16. Crop yield and soil fertility as affected by papermill biosolids and liming by-products
  17. Seasonal variation of microbial biomass, activity, and community structure in soil under different tillage and phosphorus management practices
  18. Metal Availability following Paper Mill and Alkaline Residuals Application to Field Crops
  19. Papermill biosolids and alkaline residuals affect crop yield and soil properties over nine years of continuous application
  20. Forms of phosphorus in composts and in compost-amended soils following incubation
  21. Urea fertilizer forms affect grain corn yield and nitrogen use efficiency
  22. Biosolids from Treated Swine Manure and Papermill Residues Affect Corn Fertilizer Value
  23. Fertilizer Source Influenced Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Clay Soil under Corn
  24. Soil phosphorus fractions following annual paper mill biosolids and liming materials application
  25. Environmental impact of repeated applications of combined paper mill biosolids in silage corn production
  26. Grain Corn and Soil Nitrogen Responses to Sidedress Nitrogen Sources and Applications
  27. Impact of natural or industrial liming materials on soil properties and microbial activity
  28. Integrating knowledge of nutrient forms and dynamics into improved nutrient management practices: Atribute to Régis Simard
  29. Mehlich 3 Soil Phosphorus as Determined by Colorimetry and Inductively Coupled Plasma
  30. N 2 O fluxes in soils of contrasting textures fertilized with liquid and solid dairy cattle manures
  31. Dynamics of soil water-extractable organic C following application of dairy cattle manures
  32. Pulp and paper mill by-products as soil amendments and plant nutrient sources
  33. In situ Mineralization of Dairy Cattle Manures as Determined using Soil-Surface Carbon Dioxide Fluxes
  34. Soil microbial populations, activity, and community structure in continuous corn or forage systems under organic or inorganic fertilization in eastern Canada
  35. Contribution of on-farm and industrial composts to soil pH and enrichment in available nutrients and metals
  36. Combined de-inking paper sludge and poultry manure application on corn yield and soil nutrients
  37. Papermill biosolid and hog manure compost affect short-term biological activity and crop yield of a sandy soil
  38. Soil P fractions as affected by on-farm composts in a controlled incubation study
  39. Relationships between soil cations and plant characteristics based on spatial variability in a forage field
  40. Improvement of soil properties and fruit yield of native lowbush blueberry by papermill sludge addition
  41. Organic matter and aggregation in a degraded potato soil as affected by raw and composted pulp residue
  42. Soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity following liquid hog manure application in a long-term field trial
  43. Soil enzyme activities following paper sludge addition in a winter cabbage-sweet corn rotation
  44. Nitrogen and phosphorus release from on-farm and industrial composts
  45. Characterization of several on-farm and industrial composted materials
  46. Microbial biomass C and alkaline phosphatase activity in two compost amended soils
  47. Soil nitrogen and moisture as influenced by composts and inorganic fertilizer rate
  48. Use of Fresh and Composted De-Inking Sludge in Cabbage Production
  49. Effect of composts and inorganic fertilizers on spring wheat growth and N uptake
  50. Effects of several organic fertilizers on growth of greenhouse tomato transplants
  51. Evolution of Chemical Composition and Microbial Activity during Storage of Compost-Based Mixes
  52. Fruiting as a Factor in Accumulation of Carbohydrates and Nitrogen and in Fall Cold Hardening of Day-neutral Strawberry Roots