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  1. Bayesian network based procedure for regional drought monitoring: The Seasonally Combinative Regional Drought Indicator
  2. A Novel Framework for Selecting Informative Meteorological Stations Using Monte Carlo Feature Selection (MCFS) Algorithm
  3. Characterization of regional hydrological drought using improved precipitation records under multi-auxiliary information
  4. Effects of early rearing enrichments on modulation of brain monoamines and hypothalamic–pituitary–interrenal axis (HPI axis) of fish mahseer (Tor putitora)
  5. An ensemble procedure for pattern recognition of regional drought
  6. A Probabilistic Weighted Joint Aggregative Drought Index (PWJADI) criterion
  7. Selection of appropriate time scale with Boruta algorithm for regional drought monitoring using multi-scaler drought index
  8. A New Weighting Scheme in Weighted Markov Model for Predicting the Probability of Drought Episodes
  9. Forecasting Drought Using Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network Model
  10. Classification of Drinking Water Quality Index and Identification of Significant Factors