All Stories

  1. Performance implications of peer monitoring among suppliers
  2. Managing from a distance in international purchasing and supply
  3. Is corporate greening beneficial? Exploring the relationship between perceived corporate environmental behavior and organizational citizenship behavior
  4. Mass customization: the role of consumer preference measurement, manufacturing flexibility and customer participation
  5. Perceived power and smile intensity in service encounters
  6. The power of numbers: an examination of the relationship between numerical cues in online review comments and perceived review helpfulness
  7. Team Size, Research Variety, and Research Performance: Do Coauthors’ Coauthors Matter?
  8. Make the apps stand out: discoverability and perceived value are vital for adoption
  9. Does self-disclosure matter? A dynamic two-stage perspective for the personalization-privacy paradox
  10. Perceptual difference of dependence and trust in marketing channel: reconsideration of dependence measurement
  11. Pursuing superior performance of service innovation through improved corporate social responsibility
  12. The relationships between distance factors and international collaborative research outcomes: A bibliometric examination
  13. Challenges in gaining supply chain competitiveness: Supplier response strategies and determinants
  14. The effects of government relation and institutional environments on channel performance
  15. When does social exclusion increase or decrease food self-regulation? The moderating role of time orientation
  16. Hospital trust or doctor trust? A fuzzy analysis of trust in the health care setting
  17. Brand Loyalty Versus Store Loyalty: Consumers’ Role in Determining Dependence Structure of Supplier–Retailer Dyads
  18. The Effects of Boundary Spanners’ Personal Relationships on Interfirm Collaboration and Conflict: A Study of the Role ofGuanxiin China
  19. Managing relationships with power advantage buyers: The role of supplier initiated bonding tactics in long-term buyer–supplier collaborations
  20. The joint-liability mechanism: controlling opportunism through peer monitoring among Chinese supplier groups
  21. Organizational capabilities and business performance: When and how does the dark side of managerial ties matter?
  22. How does organizational learning matter in strategic business performance? The contingency role of guanxi networking
  23. Managing corporate crisis in China: Sentiment, reason, and law
  24. Customer-perceived value and loyalty: how do key service quality dimensions matter in the context of B2C e-commerce?
  25. The Role of theGuanxiInstitution in Skill Acquisition Between Firms: A Study of Chinese Firms
  26. Institutional theory in business marketing: A conceptual framework and future directions
  27. Toward a gatekeeping perspective of insider–outsider relationship development in China
  28. The performance implications of perceptual differences of dependence in marketing channels
  29. On the relationship between business environment and competitive priorities: The role of performance frontiers
  30. The Developmental Process of Unethical Consumer Behavior: An Investigation Grounded in China
  31. Market signals: web site investment and physical store existence
  32. Understanding Asian business strategy: Modeling institution-based legitimacy-embedded efficiency
  33. Customer Participation and Project Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing in the Chinese Telecommunication Service Industry
  34. What does convenience mean to online shoppers?
  35. User reviews and uncertainty assessment: A two stage model of consumers' willingness-to-pay in online markets
  36. Inter-firm opportunism: a meta-analytic review and assessment of its antecedents and effect on performance
  37. Dealing with Institutional Distances in International Marketing Channels: Governance Strategies that Engender Legitimacy and Efficiency
  38. Implicit Consumer Animosity: A Primary Validation1
  39. The role of brand image congruity in Chinese consumers' brand preference
  40. A two-path model on the effects of positivity and empathy reflected by online reviews: a choice mechanism perspective
  41. Guanxi as a governance mechanism in business markets: Its characteristics, relevant theories, and future research directions
  42. Small business industrial buyers' price sensitivity: Do service quality dimensions matter in business markets?
  43. Cooperative norms, structural mechanisms, and supplier performance: Empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturers
  44. Unstructured Direct Elicitation of Decision Rules
  45. When do formal control and trust matter? A context-based analysis of the effects on marketing channel relationships in China
  46. The Effects of Corporate-Brand Credibility, Perceived Corporate-Brand Origin, and Self-Image Congruence on Purchase Intention: Evidence From China's Auto Industry
  47. The impact of brand credibility and brand personality on purchase intention: An empirical study in China
  48. Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Received Word-of-Mouth Referral in Relational Service Exchange
  49. The effects of volume consolidation on buyer–supplier relationships: A study of Chinese firms
  50. The Effect of Brand Credibility on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Image
  51. Drivers of Trust in Relational Service Exchange: Understanding the Importance of Cross-Cultural Differences
  52. Implementing supply chain information integration in China: The role of institutional forces and trust⋆
  53. Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing
  54. Determinants of online service satisfaction and their impacts on behavioural intentions
  55. The Impacts of Brand Personality and Congruity on Purchase Intention: Evidence From the Chinese Mainland's Automobile Market
  56. Exploring the governance mechanisms of quasi-integration in buyer–supplier relationships
  57. Interpersonal influence as an alternative channel communication behavior in emerging markets: The case of China
  58. Brand Trust as a Second-order Factor: An Alternative Measurement Model
  59. Does country‐of‐origin matter in the relationship between brand personality and purchase intention in emerging economies?
  60. Addressing the Advertising of Controversial Products in China: An Empirical Approach
  61. A meta‐analysis of effect sizes in international marketing experiments
  62. Relational ties or customized contracts? An examination of alternative governance choices in China
  64. A review of research methodologies in international business
  65. Customer Asset Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences
  66. The Impact of Interorganizational Internet Communication on Purchasing Performance: A Study of Chinese Manufacturing Firms
  67. Primary influences of environmental uncertainty on promotions budget allocation and performance: A cross-country study of retail advertisers
  68. The Double Jeopardy Phenomenon and the Mediating Effect of Brand Penetration between Advertising and Brand Loyalty
  69. Developing strategic orientation in China: antecedents and consequences of market and innovation orientations
  70. Development and validation of an instrument to measure user perceived service quality of information presenting Web portals
  71. Measuring customer perceived online service quality
  72. Customers' perceptions of online retailing service quality and their satisfaction
  73. Online service quality dimensions and their relationships with satisfaction
  74. Customer perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: The role of switching costs
  75. Services quality dimensions of Internet retailing: an exploratory analysis
  76. Asymmetrical impact of trustworthiness attributes on trust, perceived value and purchase intention
  77. The Quality Dimensions of Internet Retail Food Purchasing
  78. International marketing serials: a retrospective