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  1. Role adaptation leads to role polarization in favor of both fairness and empathy
  2. Random migration with tie retention promotes cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game
  3. A Migration Mechanism With Neighbor Retention Promotes Cooperation
  4. Oscillation and burst transition of human cooperation
  5. Evolution of cooperation driven by collective interdependence on multilayer networks
  6. Evolution of cooperation in a conformity-driven evolving dynamic social network
  7. Evolution of cooperation in synergistically evolving dynamic interdependent networks: fundamental advantages of coordinated network evolution
  8. Evolution of cooperation driven by majority-pressure based interdependence
  9. Effects of partner choice and role assignation in the spatial ultimatum game
  10. Aspiration-Based Partner Switching Boosts Cooperation in Social Dilemmas
  11. Effects of payoff-related velocity in the co-evolutionary snowdrift game
  12. Effects of adaptive dynamical linking in networked games
  13. Role of recommendation in spatial public goods games
  14. Hunting for wealthy encounters promotes cooperation in spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma games