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  1. The period annulus and limit cycles in a planar piecewise linear system defined in three zones separated by two parallel lines
  2. Grazing-sliding bifurcation in a dry-friction oscillator on a moving belt under periodic excitation
  3. Crossing Limit Cycles in Planar Piecewise Linear Systems Separated by a Nonregular Line with Node–Node Type Critical Points
  4. Strange Nonchaotic Attractors in a Quasiperiodically Excited Slender Rigid Rocking Block with Two Frequencies
  5. Complicated periodic cascades arising from double grazing bifurcations in an impact oscillator with two rigid constraints
  6. Heteroclinic bifurcation in a quasi-periodically excited rigid rocking block with two frequencies
  7. Bifurcation of limit cycles from a parabolic–parabolic type critical point in a class of planar piecewise smooth quadratic systems
  8. Higher order discontinuity mapping for double grazing bifurcations in a slender rigid block confined between side-walls
  9. Limit Cycles of Planar Piecewise Smooth Quadratic Systems with Focus-Parabolic Type Critical Points
  10. Bifurcation of Periodic Orbits Crossing Switching Manifolds Multiple Times in Planar Piecewise Smooth Systems
  11. Bifurcation of Nonhyperbolic Limit Cycles in Piecewise Smooth Planar Systems with Finitely Many Zones