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  1. Association of additives in supplemented grazing cattle during the finishing phase at the rainy season
  2. Effects of Post-Ruminal Urea Supplementation during the Seasonal Period on Performance and Rumen Microbiome of Rearing Grazing Nellore Cattle
  3. Effect of botanical composition calibration on the accuracy of undisturbed sward height and comparative yield method techniques for herbage mass estimation in tropical heterogeneous pastures
  4. Response of Phytogenic Additives on Enteric Methane Emissions and Animal Performance of Nellore Bulls Raised in Grassland
  5. Effect of tannin extract associated with two levels of non-protein nitrogen in the supplement on performance, ruminal parameters, and microbial diversity of grazing Nellore cattle during the growing phase at dry season
  6. Intake, metabolism parameters, and performance of growing beef cattle on pasture supplemented with different rumen undegradable protein with different amino acid profile
  7. Odd-chain fatty acids as an alternative method to predict ruminal microbial nitrogen flow of feedlot Nellore steers fed grain-based diets supplemented with different nitrogen sources
  8. Effects of mineral or protein-energy supplementation and genetic group on metabolism parameters of young beef bulls grazing tropical grass during the rainy season
  9. In vitro gas production and fatty acids biohydrogenation of diets containing different unsaturated fatty acids sources plus crude glycerin
  10. Effects of different amounts of crude glycerol supplementation on dry matter intake, milk yield, and milk quality of lactating dairy cows grazing on a Kikuyu grass pasture
  11. Effect of marker dosage frequency and spot fecal sampling frequency in the prediction accuracy of fecal output using chromic oxide and titanium dioxide in grazing BON steers
  12. Influence of growing-phase supplementation strategies on intake and performance of different beef cattle genotypes in finishing phase on pasture or feedlot
  13. Suplementación lipídica para la producción de carne bovina en confinamientos
  14. Rumen bacterial diversity in relation to nitrogen retention in beef cattle
  16. II Simpósio de Animais de Companhia & I Internacional Congress of Veterinary Clinics And Surgery
  17. Assessing amino acid utilization in young Nellore steers fed high-concentrate diets with different sources and levels of nitrogen
  18. Tecnología y ciencia en la Orinoquia y la Amazonia
  19. Characterization of ruminal bacteria in grazing Nellore steers
  20. Effect of replacing soybean meal with urea or encapsulated nitrate with or without elemental sulfur on nitrogen digestion and methane emissions in feedlot cattle
  21. Soybean hulls as feed substitute of ground corn can increase the fiber digestibility and bacterial fibrolytic profile of grazing Nellore steers during the rainy season
  22. Corrigendum: Long-Term Encapsulated Nitrate Supplementation Modulates Rumen Microbial Diversity and Rumen Fermentation to Reduce Methane Emission in Grazing Steers
  23. Long-Term Encapsulated Nitrate Supplementation Modulates Rumen Microbial Diversity and Rumen Fermentation to Reduce Methane Emission in Grazing Steers
  24. Crude glycerin as an alternative to corn as a supplement for beef cattle grazing in pasture during the dry season
  25. Effect of soybean oil availabilities on rumen biohydrogenation and duodenal flow of fatty acids in beef cattle fed a diet with crude glycerine
  26. Effects of phosphorus supplementation in high-grain diets on blood, chemical and physical parameters of bones of feedlot Nellore bulls
  27. Phosphorus supplementation with or without other minerals, ionophore and antibiotic did not affect performance of Nellore bulls receiving high-grain diets, but increased phosphorus excretion and dietary costs
  28. crude glycerin and/or soyabean oil can partial replacement maize in feedlot diet
  29. Effect of starch level in supplement with or without oil source on diet and apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and microbial population of Nellore steers grazing tropical grass
  30. Supplementation with lipid sources alters the ruminal fermentation and duodenal flow of fatty acids in grazing Nellore steers
  31. Studies on bacterial community composition are affected by the time and storage method of the rumen content
  32. Diet containing glycerine and soybean oil can reduce ruminal biohydrogenation in Nellore steers
  33. A simple and fast sampling method for chemical analyses and densitometry of bones through rib biopsies in cattle
  34. Effect of crude glycerine in supplement on the intake, rumen fermentation, and microbial profile of Nellore steers grazing tropical grass
  35. Parameters of fermentation and rumen microbiota of Nellore steers fed with different proportions of concentrate in fresh sugarcane containing diets
  36. Effects of different sources of forage in high-concentrate diets on fermentation parameters, ruminal biohydrogenation and microbiota in Nellore feedlot steers
  37. ¿Pueden los niveles de ATM y de TP53 influenciar el bajo potencial de metástasis del TVT canino?
  38. Effect of different levels of concentrate on ruminal microorganisms and rumen fermentation in Nellore steers
  39. Feeding increasing concentrate to Tifton 85 hay ratios modulated rumen fermentation and microbiota in Nellore feedlot steers
  40. Uso de subproductos del banano en la alimentación animal
  41. The effect of lipid sources on intake, rumen fermentation parameters and microbial protein synthesis in Nellore steers supplemented with glycerol