All Stories

  1. Analytical and HYDRUS solutions for exfiltration through inclined seepage faces
  2. Is the Thermal Diffusivity of Unsaturated Soils a Mono-Maximum Function of their Moisture Content?
  3. Phreatic seepage around a rectilinear cutoff wall: The Zhukovsky-Vedernikov-Polubarinova-Kochina dispute revisited
  4. Analytical Evaluation of the Effective Electric Resistivity and Hall Coefficient in the Rectangular and Triangular Checkerboard Composites
  5. Profiling ponded soil surface in saturated seepage into drain-line sink: Kalashnikov’s method of lateral leaching revisited
  6. Seepage to staggered tunnels and subterranean cavities: Analytical and HYDRUS modeling
  7. Drawdown of urban drain trenches triggering 2-D transient seepage in soil massifs subject to managed aquifer discharge: sandbox experiments, analytical and HYDRUS2D modeling
  8. Seepage-evaporation controlled depletion of initially water-filled reservoirs on Earth and Mars: Analytic versus HYDRUS modeling
  9. Water table rise in arid urban area soils due to evaporation impedance and its mitigation by intelligently designed capillary chimney siphons
  10. Infiltration-induced phreatic surface flow to periodic drains: Vedernikov–Engelund–Vasil’ev’s legacy revisited
  11. Seepage to ditches and topographic depressions in saturated and unsaturated soils
  12. Modelling of 2-D seepage from aquifer towards stream via clogged bed: The toth-trefftz legacy conjugated
  13. Seepage through earth dam with clay core and toe drain: the Casagrande–Numerov analytical legacy revisited
  14. Analytic solutions for fresh groundwater lenses floating on saline water under desert dunes: The Kunin-Van Der Veer legacy revisited
  15. Regular hexagonal three-phase checkerboard
  16. Evaporation-Induced Capillary Siphoning Through Hydraulically Connected Porous Domains: The Vedernikov–Bouwer Model Revisited
  17. Minimizing Evaporation by Optimal Layering of Topsoil: Revisiting Ovsinsky's Smart Mulching‐Tillage Technology via Gardner‐Warrick's Unsaturated Analytical Model and HYDRUS
  18. Hydraulically optimal porous liner around a porous lens: Strack’s problem revisited
  19. Well-bore clogging of a pumping well in hydraulic interference with an ambient groundwater flow: the Strack-Kostitsina refraction problem in an annular composite redux
  20. Nonlinear mixed Cherepanov boundary-value problem
  21. Dipolic Flows Relevant to Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Strack’s Sink Solution Revisited
  22. Steady Darcian Flow in Subsurface Irrigation of Topsoil Impeded by a Substratum: Kornev-Riesenkampf-Philip Legacies Revisited
  23. Analytical Solution for Interface Flow to a Sink With an Upconed Saline Water Lens: Strack's Regimes Revisited
  24. Steady Flow from an Array of Subsurface Emitters: Kornev’s Irrigation Technology and Kidder’s Free Boundary Problems Revisited
  25. Analytical solution for tension-saturated and unsaturated flow from wicking porous pipes in subsurface irrigation: The Kornev-Philip legacies revisited
  26. Size and Shape of Steady Seawater Intrusion and Sharp-Interface Wedge: The Polubarinova-Kochina Analytical Solution to the Dam Problem Revisited
  27. An exact analytical solution of an R-linear conjugation problem for a n -phased concentric circular heterogeneous structure
  28. Tension-saturated and unsaturated flows from line sources in subsurface irrigation: Riesenkampf's and Philip's solutions revisited
  29. Analytical Solutions for Steady Phreatic Flow Appearing/Re-emerging Toward/from a Bedrock/Caprock Isobaric Breach: The Polubarinova-Kochina–Numerov and Pavlovsky Problems Revisited
  30. Groundwater flow in hillslopes: Analytical solutions by the theory of holomorphic functions and hydraulic theory
  31. An exact analytical solution for steady seepage from a perched Aquifer to a low-permeable sublayer: Kirkham-Brock's legacy revisited
  32. An ℝ-linear conjugation problem for two concentric annuli
  33. Ant mound as an optimal shape in constructal design: Solar irradiation and circadian brood/fungi-warming sorties
  34. New Analytical Solutions for Phreatic Darcian Flows Over Non-Planar Bedrocks
  35. An R-linear conjugation problem for a plane two-component heterogeneous structure w...
  36. Optimal shape of an anthill dome: Bejan's constructal law revisited
  37. Pseudo-hysteretic double-front hiatus-stage soil water parcels supplying a plant–root continuum: the Green-Ampt-Youngs model revisited
  38. Accumulation of a light non-aqueous phase liquid on a flat barrier baffling a descending groundwater flow
  40. Analytical solutions for seepage near material boundaries in dam cores: The Davison–Kalinin problems revisited
  41. A generalised Milne-Thomson theorem for the case of an elliptical inclusion
  42. How much floating light nonaqueous phase liquid can a phreatic surface sustain? Riesenkampf's scheme revisited
  43. Three–phase eccentric annulus subjected to a potential field induced by arbitrary singularities
  44. A Well in a ‘Target’ Stratum of a Two-Layered Formation: The Muskat–Riesenkampf Solution Revisited
  45. Can heterogeneity of the near-wellbore rock cause extrema of the Darcian fluid inflow rate from the formation (the Polubarinova-Kochina problem revisited)?
  46. A generalized Milne–Thomson theorem for the case of parabolic inclusion
  47. Analytic solution of an ℝ-linear conjugation problem in the case of hyperbolic interface
  48. Leaky-layer seepage: the Verigin function revisited
  49. Analytical methods for heat conduction in composites
  50. Analytical solution to 2D problem for an anticline-diverted brine flow with a floating hydrocarbon trap
  51. Strip-focused phreatic surface flow driven by evaporation: Analytical solution by the Riesenkampf function
  52. A generalized Milne-Thomson theorem
  53. Analytical Solution to a Sea-water Intrusion Problem with a Fresh Water Zone Tapering to a Triple Point
  54. A Model four-phase square checkerboard structure
  55. Estimates for Integral Means of Hyperbolically Convex Functions
  56. Polubarinova-Kochina Methods for Steady and Transient Systems Governed by the Laplace and Charny Equations
  57. Phreatic surface flow from a near-reservoir saturated tongue
  58. A three-phase tessellation: solution and effective properties
  59. Water exclusion from tunnel cavities in the saturated capillary fringe
  60. Analytical solution for a sharp interface problem in sea water intrusion into a coastal aquifer
  61. Analytical solutions by the hodograph method to hydrodynamic problems for oil and gas traps
  62. Checkerboard composites with separated phases
  63. Semipermeable Boundaries and Heterogeneities: Modeling by Singularities
  64. Four-Phase Checkerboard Composites
  65. Steady water flow around parabolic cavities and through parabolic inclusions in unsaturated and saturated soils
  66. Two-dimensional seepage in porous media with heterogeneities
  67. Conduction through a grooved surface and Sierpinsky fractals
  68. Groundwater flow in a medium with a parquet-type conductivity distribution
  69. Periodic Heterogeneous Structures: New Explicit Solutions and Effective Characteristics of Refraction of an Imposed Field
  71. Groundwater flow in a medium with periodic inclusions
  72. Electric forces on a circular cylindrical inclusion at the surface separating two dielectrics
  73. An accurately solvable problem of the mutual effect of inclusions in the theory of heterogeneous media