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  1. Actin remodeling mediates ROS production and JNK activation to drive apoptosis-induced proliferation
  2. Multiple Mechanisms Modulate Distinct Cellular Susceptibilities toward Apoptosis in the Developing Drosophila Eye
  3. Genetic Models of Apoptosis-Induced Proliferation Decipher Activation of JNK and Identify a Requirement of EGFR Signaling for Tissue Regenerative Responses in Drosophila
  4. Dual roles of Drosophila p53 in cell death and cell differentiation
  5. The cleaved-Caspase-3 antibody is a marker of Caspase-9-like DRONC activity in Drosophila
  6. Apoptosis-induced compensatory proliferation. The Cell is dead. Long live the Cell!
  7. Distinct Mechanisms of Apoptosis-Induced Compensatory Proliferation in Proliferating and Differentiating Tissues in the Drosophila Eye