All Stories

  1. K-EmoPhone: A Mobile and Wearable Dataset with In-Situ Emotion, Stress, and Attention Labels
  2. Trends in Smart Helmets With Multimodal Sensing for Health and Safety: Scoping Review
  3. Dynamic switching between distinct oscillatory rhythms in prefrontal-amygdala circuits for dimorphic defensive behaviors under natural threats
  4. Association Between White Matter Networks and the Pattern of Striatal Dopamine Depletion in Patients With Parkinson Disease
  5. Potential Link Between Cognition and Motor Reserve in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease
  6. Beyond Pathogen Filtration: Possibility of Smart Masks as Wearable Devices for Personal and Group Health and Safety Management
  7. Nine-day continuous recording of EEG and 2-hour of high-density EEG under chronic sleep restriction in mice
  8. Beyond Pathogen Filtration: Possibility of Smart Masks as Wearable Devices for Personal and Group Health and Safety Management (Preprint)
  9. Nonuniformity of Whole-Cerebral Neural Resource Allocation, a Neuromarker of the Broad-Task Attention
  10. Predicting multilingual effects on executive function and individual connectomes in children: An ABCD study
  11. Intermittent Fasting Alleviates Cognitive Impairments and Hippocampal Neuronal Loss but Enhances Astrocytosis in Mice with Subcortical Vascular Dementia
  12. Graph neural network based heterogeneous propagation scheme for classifying alzheimer’s disease
  13. Spread spectrum SERS allows label-free detection of attomolar neurotransmitters
  14. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy aggravates perivascular clearance impairment in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
  15. Detection of gray matter microstructural changes in Alzheimer’s disease continuum using fiber orientation
  16. Detection of gray matter microstructural changes in Alzheimer’s disease continuum using fiber orientation
  17. Genetic variants beyond amyloid and tau associated with cognitive decline
  18. K-EmoCon, a multimodal sensor dataset for continuous emotion recognition in naturalistic conversations
  19. Detection of gray matter microstructural changes in Alzheimer’s disease continuum using fiber orientation
  20. Detection of gray matter microstructural changes in Alzheimer’s disease continuum using fiber orientation
  21. BeActive
  22. Detection of gray matter microstructural changes in Alzheimer’s disease continuum using fiber orientation
  23. Increased capillary stalling is associated with endothelial glycocalyx loss in subcortical vascular dementia
  24. Disruption of gray matter microstructure in Alzheimer’s disease continuum using fiber orientation
  25. Disruption of gray matter microstructure in Alzheimer’s disease continuum using fiber orientation
  26. Identifying the Functional Brain Network of Motor Reserve in Early Parkinson's Disease
  27. Executive Summary of the 2019 International Conference of Korean Dementia Association: Exploring the Novel Concept of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementia: a Report from the Academic Committee of the Korean Dementia Association
  28. Brain-State Extraction Algorithm Based on the State Transition (BEST): A Dynamic Functional Brain Network Analysis in fMRI Study
  29. Lissajous Scanning Two-photon Endomicroscope for In vivo Tissue Imaging
  30. In vivo imaging for neurovascular disease research
  31. Altered Functional Brain Networks in Patients with Traumatic Anosmia: Resting-State Functional MRI Based on Graph Theoretical Analysis
  32. Classification of Spatiotemporal Neural Activity Patterns in Brain Imaging Data
  33. Exploring Feature Dimensions to Learn a New Policy in an Uninformed Reinforcement Learning Task
  34. A mouse model of subcortical vascular dementia reflecting degeneration of cerebral white matter and microcirculation
  35. Sensory modality-specific spatio-temporal dynamics in response to counting tasks
  36. GABA from reactive astrocytes impairs memory in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease
  37. Blood Viscosity in Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment with versus without Cerebral Amyloid Burden
  38. Augmentation of Sensory-Evoked Hemodynamic Response in an Early Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model
  39. Tool-use practice induces changes in intrinsic functional connectivity of parietal areas
  40. Cellular Hydrogel Biopaper for Patterned 3D Cell Culture and Modular Tissue Reconstruction
  41. A randomized trial of mesenchymal stem cells in multiple system atrophy
  42. Individual subject classification for Alzheimer's disease based on incremental learning using a spatial frequency representation of cortical thickness data
  43. Glucose metabolism in sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: a statistical parametric mapping analysis of 18 F‐FDG PET
  44. A multi-resolution scheme for distortion-minimizing mapping between human subcortical structures based on geodesic construction on Riemannian manifolds
  45. Agraphia in Korean patients with early onset Alzheimer's disease
  46. Synergistic Effect of Graphene Oxide/MWCNT Films in Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Small Molecules and Tissue Imaging
  47. Quantitative analysis of hemodynamic and metabolic changes in subcortical vascular dementia using simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy and fMRI measurements
  48. Cerebral Glucose Metabolism of Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
  49. Cortical Thinning in Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment and Vascular Dementia of Subcortical Type
  50. Wavelet minimum description length detrending for near-infrared spectroscopy
  51. Spatial-attention and emotional evocation: Line bisection performance and visual art emotional evocation
  52. Effects of disease duration on the clinical features and brain glucose metabolism in patients with mixed type multiple system atrophy
  53. Spatial attentional bias in normal people: Object or viewer-centered
  54. Asymmetrical alien hands in corticobasal degeneration
  55. Ipsilateral motor activation during unimanual and bimanual motor tasks
  56. Callosal Neglect in Hydrocephalus
  57. Ipsilesional Attentional-Approach Neglect or Crossover Effect*
  58. Incremental limb hypometria
  59. The influence of illusory motion on line bisection performance in normal subjects
  60. Left hemispatial visual neglect associated with a combined right occipital and splenial lesion: Another disconnection syndrome
  61. Glucose metabolism in early onset versus late onset Alzheimer's disease: an SPM analysis of 120 patients
  62. Length perception and production of normal subjects in proximal versus distal peripersonal space
  63. How early are initial symptoms recognized in Korean patients with Alzheimer's disease?
  64. Visual search pattern during the line quadrisection task in normal subjects
  65. Serial Positron Emission Tomography Findings in a Patient with Hydrocephalic Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
  66. Interchanging Scores Between Clinical Dementia Rating Scale and Global Deterioration Scale
  67. A Tiny Hippocampal Ischemic Lesion Associated with Transient Global Amnesia
  68. The Brain Lesion Responsible for Parkinsonism After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning