All Stories

  1. Potentials of some waste biomaterials
  2. A novel biological strategy for the management
  3. Biosorptive removal of hexavalent chromium
  4. An innovative model of managing silver metal from electronic scrap
  5. Industrial Waste Management in the Era of Climate Change: A Smart
  6. Climate resilience in natural ecosystems in India
  7. Integrating Energy and Environment in Postgraduate Management
  8. Message from the Guest Editor
  9. Environment and Social Sustainability Approaches in Policy and Practice
  10. Message from the Guest Editors
  11. E-waste Consciousness and Disposal Practices
  12. Are the Non-renewable Resource Utilization and Waste Management
  13. Management of Hexavalent Chromium from Industrial Waste Using Low-cost Waste Biomass
  14. Industrial Waste Management in the Era of Climate Change
  15. Applied Bioremediation - Active and Passive Approaches
  16. Development of a bioremediation technology for the removal of thiocyanate
  17. Resource Recovery from Industrial Effluents Containing Precious Metal
  18. Education for Sustainable Development: Trends in Indian Business Schools
  19. Climate Resilience in Natural Ecosystems in India: Technology Adoption
  20. Development of an Integrated Model to Recover Precious Metals
  21. City Based Analysis of MSW to Energy Generation
  22. Assessment of Noise Pollution Indices in the City of Kolhapur, India
  23. Development of a process for biodetoxification of metal cyanides
  24. Biodetoxification of silver-cyanide
  25. Removal and recovery of metal-cyanides from industrial effluents
  26. Are the Non-Renewable Resource Utilization and Waste Management Practices Employed in Indian Automobile Sector Sustainable?