All Stories

  1. Integrated Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Human Kidney Endothelial Cells
  2. TRPV4 activates cytosolic phospholipase A2 via Ca2+ -dependent PKC/ERK1/2 signalling in controlling hypertensive contraction
  3. Treatment of hypertension by increasing impaired endothelial TRPV4‐KCa2.3 interaction
  4. Clinical utility of letrozole in the treatment of breast cancer: a Chinese perspective
  5. Methylation-regulated miR-149 modulates chemoresistance by targeting GlcNAcN-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase-1 in human breast cancer
  6. A 20-gene signature in predicting the chemoresistance of breast cancer to taxane-based chemotherapy