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  1. An Implicit Algebraic Turbulence Closure Scheme for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Simulation
  2. Spatiotemporal Variation in Presummer Precipitation Over South China From 1979 to 2015 and Its Relationship With Urbanization
  3. Crossing Multiple Gray Zones in the Transition from Mesoscale to Microscale Simulation over Complex Terrain
  4. Key Elements of Turbulence Closures for Simulating Deep Convection at Kilometer‐Scale Resolution
  5. WISHE‐Moisture Mode in an Aquaplanet Simulation
  6. An Evaluation of LES Turbulence Models for Scalar Mixing in the Stratocumulus-Capped Boundary Layer
  7. Large-Eddy Simulation of the Stratocumulus-Capped Boundary Layer with Explicit Filtering and Reconstruction Turbulence Modeling
  8. Sensitivities of Extreme Precipitation to Global Warming Are Lower over Mountains than over Oceans and Plains
  9. Estimating the Response of Extreme Precipitation over Midlatitude Mountains to Global Warming
  10. Large‐scale character of an atmosphere in rotating radiative‐convective equilibrium
  11. The Response of Orographic Precipitation over Idealized Midlatitude Mountains Due to Global Increases in CO2