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  1. GeTe ultrathin film based phase-change memory with extreme thermal stability, fast SET speed, and low RESET power energy
  2. Crystallization kinetics of monatomic antimony
  3. Crystallization kinetics with fragile-to-strong crossover in Zn-Sb-Te supercooled phase-change liquids
  4. Dependence of transition behaviors on structure of Sb100−xErx films for broadband nonvolatile optical memory
  5. Sb-rich Zn–Sb–Te phase-change materials: A candidate for the trade-off between crystallization speed and data retention
  6. Crystallization behaviors of ZnxSb100−x thin films for ultralong data retention phase change memory applications
  7. Fast crystallization and low-power amorphization of Mg–Sb–Te reversible phase-change films