All Stories

  1. From data to success: The interplay between business analytics, individual net benefits, and firm performance
  2. Understanding E-Government Services Usage Continuance: The Role of Service Quality and Habit
  3. The impact of e-service quality and UX on customer satisfaction
  4. Entrepreneurial intention in adolescents: The impact of psychological capital
  5. Intentions to continue using agile methods
  6. Financial accounting information presented with infographics
  7. Psychological and formal employment contracts, workplace attitudes and employees’ turnover intentions: Causal and boundary inferences in the hotel industry
  8. Evaluating the Electronic Service Quality of E-Shops Using AHP-TOPSIS
  9. Exploring the Continuance Intentions in Agile Software Development Methods: The Case of Large-Scale Projects in the Banking Sector
  10. Performance Impacts of Innovation Outcomes in Entrepreneurial New Ventures
  11. IT-enhanced popular reports: Analyzing citizen preferences
  12. Evaluation of websites’ compliance to legal and ethical guidelines: A fuzzy logic–based methodology
  13. IT-Enhanced Popular Reports: Analyzing citizen preferences
  14. Content presentation personalisation and media adaptation in tourism web sites using Fuzzy Delphi Method and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
  15. An Approach to Hotel Services Dynamic Pricing Based on the Delphi Method and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
  16. Fuzzy Equivalence Relation Based Clustering and Its Use to Restructuring Websites’ Hyperlinks and Web Pages
  17. Privacy Issues in Public Web Sites
  18. Privacy Issues in Public Web Sites