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  1. Traditional breeding practices and trait preferences of cattle farmers in Gamo Goffa Zone, Southern Ethiopia
  2. On-farm phenotypic characterization of indigenous cattle populations of Gamo Goffa zone, Southern Ethiopia
  3. Farmers’ perceptions on trypanosomosis and trypanotolerance character of the taurine Sheko
  4. Trypanosomosis and phenotypic features of four indigenous cattle breeds in an Ethiopian field study
  5. Breed and trait preferences of Sheko cattle keepers in southwestern Ethiopia
  6. Breed and trait preferences of Sheko cattle owners in south western Ethiopia
  7. Breeding practices and mating strategies of Sheko cattle in south western Ethiopia
  8. Livestock keeper perceptions of four indigenous cattle breeds in tsetse infested areas of Ethiopia
  9. Genetic variability of five indigenous Ethiopian cattle breeds using RAPD markers
  10. Response of four indigenous cattle breeds to natural tsetse and trypanosomosis challenge in the Ghibe valley of Ethiopia